Perfect ShootTime !

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P.O.V Kiara
Kiara is an independent super sweet fun challenging lady who lives in Utrecht and works for a photo shoot magazine. And takes pictures of famous people, artists or popular people in the Netherlands! She can work independently but does have someone she can fall back on and that is Isabella. She loves photography very much, no matter where or what she does, she is involved in that every day.
She is  27.

She goes to work in a studio where she can quietly think about all the photo shoots that will come that she can make and edit. She is really very accurate and has a real talent to become a real Photographer. She is on her way to the company where the studio is located. When she arrived she greeted Isabella and walked to her studio to set up and lay everything. Afterwards she went to get some coffee at the cafeteria and saw Isabella in her office and walked over. Isabella said good morning Kiara how are you? Well, I'm curious who I can photograph again! It's going to be all right, lady, you're really great.

After a while, Kiara walked back to her own set that she has built and unexpectedly she was called by Isabella and walked to her office. Isabella said I might just have a look at your pictures if it's okay with you! Kiara hesitated for a moment, then finally said Sure and showed the photos.

2 boys van een concert!

2 boys van een concert!

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 And 1 picture from the sunset 🌅 in Greece !

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And 1 picture from the sunset 🌅 in Greece !

 And 1 picture from the sunset 🌅 in Greece !

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