Chapter 2

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Teacher- your partner is the person next to you
Teacher- Is there a problem with that y/n
Y/n- uh yeah I can't work with him
Mattia- I don't wanna work with her either
He rolled his eyes
Teacher- well you're working together and that's final
Y/n- omg
Mattia- aw you're scared of me
He laughed
Y/n- shut up and leave me alone
Mattia- I'm not gonna leave you alone you deserve to suffer
Y/n rolled her eyes
Mattia- btw your doing the project on your own
Y/n- then I'm not gonna do it at all
Mattia raised his hand like he was gonna hit her
Y/n- hit me you won't
Mattia was about to hit her when the bell rang
Y/n- pussy
she ran out the classroom and Mattia chased her
Alex- WHAT
Y/n- he's chasing me he gonna hit me
Alessya- ok we definitely gonna show her how to fight
She chuckled
Y/n- I can fight
Alex- y/n no you can't
He started laughing
Des- you are so mean to my babes
Alex- my babes
He mocked des
Y/n- shut up Alex
Alex- make me
He smirked
Alessya- woah there
Y/n playfully punched him
Y/n- ima go to class now don't wanna be late
They all said bye.
Lunch time
Y/n sat at the table wait for Alex des and Alessya
Alejandro- oh look the nerd is all alone
Y/n- omg stfu
Kairi- don't talk to him like that
Y/n- or what
She rolled her eyes
Kairi kicked her as Alex Des and Alessya walked in
Alex- yo what's your problem
He pushed Kairi then Kairi pushed back and it turned into a fight. Y/n was trying to get Alex off but he's very strong. Alejandro was trying to get Kairi off but then the principal came.
Principal- I am very disappointed this school does not except violence. I will let you off with a warning but next time you'll be expelled
Alex- whatever
Kairi- he should get suspended
Y/n- bitch no you and your friends should because y'all bul-
Then Mattia hit her on her back without the principal noticing
Principal- because they what y/n
Y/n- oh uh nothing
Principal- ok you may go
They all walked out the office and Mattia pulled y/n to the corner
Mattia- you better shut your mouth and not say anything
Y/n- or what huh
Mattia- you'll see
He walked away angry
End of the day
Y/n walked to her locker to put her things away and saw Alex Des and Alessya
Y/n- hey guys
A,D,A- Hey
Y/n- so what time are y'all gonna pick me up
Alex- we'll pick you up at 5
Y/n- well I'll see y'all later bye
Y/n walked out the school and started heading home.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2021 ⏰

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