Think it through

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You lay slain
Upon the floor
Your little sister walks in
You aren't moving
She tries to wake you
But still, your eyes remain closed
She screams
So your parents come racing down the hallway
They try to wake you
But it's too late
You are already gone
Their little girl is dead
Never to return

Time goes by
Your mother is depressed
Your father has started drinking
Your little sister
Can't get the image of you on the floor
Out of her mind
That image
Haunts her dreams
Keeping her awake at night
She has hardly slept in weeks

Your friends are blaming themselves
Their thoughts overwhelm them
'I should have noticed'
'I could have saved her'
'I should have been a better friend'
Haunt them all day, every day
They have become depressed
And have turned to self harm
To stop the pain
But what they don't realise
Is that they are spiralling down
Taking the same path that you did

A few more months pass
Your parents are divorced
Your sister
Now understands
How you felt
Before you opened up your vein
And took your final breath
Because now, she feels the same

Your group of friends
Has gotten smaller
Because a few of them
Couldn't handle the pain
Of losing you anymore
So they decided to join you

Years pass
Your parents
No longer talk to each other
Your sister gave up
None of your friends are left
Because the pain of losing you
Was just too much for them to bare

This is all because you decided
That enough was enough
You couldn't take it anymore
You didn't want
To wake up tomorrow
You didn't want
To fight this battle any more

Before you take that leap
Before you tie that noose
Before you swallow those pills
Before you open up your vein
Think it through

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