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♫︎𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝑩𝑬𝑨𝑴𝑰𝑵' 𝑏𝑦 𝑸𝒖𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒄𝒂♫︎

' 9 am' Willlow decided to take a picture and post it on her Instagram. She has around 1k followers on there, which she's very proud of.

WillowtreeGood morning people

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Good morning people

Liked by Esra, Vani and 100 others...

While scrolling trough Instagram she saw that one of her favorite streamers posted a photo.


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Me and Winter picked these flowers yesterday!

Liked by NotStrawberry, Sapnap and 309.470 others...

Willow get lost in her thoughts again. She loved that girl but also hated her. She was so nice and had many friends who were just as awesome as she is. Willow just wished she could be at least a bit like her. After her mother died she was stuck with her abusive step mom and her dad who was always drunk. She has no one to talk to about or at least she was to scared to talk to someone. The girl got pulled out of her thoughts by the sound of her doorbell ringing.

"Willow! Your friends are here!" Her Step mom, Stephanie, didn't sound to happy about it. "On my way!" not a minute later The girls were hugging. "Have you packed your bags?" Vanessa asked The brunette. "Obviously." Vanessa invited Willow and their other friend esra on a trip with her family on a big cruise ship. Vanessa's parents helped her put her bags in the car. "Bye Stephanie!" she hugged her step mom even tho she didn't really like her.

A few hours later they all settled in in their rooms. It was already around 6 pm so they decided to go eat dinner. The dining room was very big and fancy. Willow ate pasta and as desert she ate ice-cream.

At her room she read a book when she received a notification. 'StrawberryCake went live!' Willow smiled and quickly clicked the link to watch the stream. The girl yawned after a while and fell asleep.

⚠Begin of Trigger warning drowning ⚠

Willow woke up to an alarm and an electronic voice saying "The ship is sinking, please get to the top of the ship and in an emergency boat." every 10 seconds. She started to slightly panic. The girl grabbed her phone and went to leave the room. There was only one problem, the door wasn't opening no matter how hard she tried. She was about to scream for help as she heard a crack. Willow turned around to see that the window of her room, which definitely wasn't made to go under water, was breaking. "Fuck" She thought. A few seconds later the glass of the window broke and a lot of water started filling the room. Willow didn't have much time because the water was filling the room very fast so she just took a deep breath while she could. The room was now completely filled with water. The girl decided that there was no way of getting out of this room so she just decided to let go. She stopped fighting. At first it hurt. Then she felt nothing. Willow felt her eyes closing. She passed out and sank to the floor of the room.

⚠ End of Trigger warning drowning ⚠


Beep Beep* The sound of an alarm clock woke her up. "Am I still alive? Was it all just a dream?" The girl opened her eyes. She was still alive. As soon as she looked around she realized she wasn't in her room. It scared the girl but it was still better then being dead right?? Willow decided to stand up and look around to find out where she was.

[my idea of the room but if you want to change it just imagine something different]

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[my idea of the room but if you want to change it just imagine something different]

As she looked in the mirror all her previous thoughts about her "dream" vanished. The girl in the mirror wasn't her. She didn't know who that was. Willow stood there, in front of the mirror, for about 5 minutes before she decided to look around in the house or apartment. It turned out to be an big apartment. In the living room she found a purse. As expected she found an ID in that purse. The first thing willow looked at was the picture. It looked exactly like the face she saw in the mirror. The name standing on the ID was Kimberly Casdra. The girls jaw dropped. Was she dreaming? Or was this real? Is she really stuck in someone else's body? Next to the purse was laying a phone. It was locked and Willow obviously didn't know the code but she still tried some stuff like 1111 or 1234 on the last available try she tried the birthday standing on the ID. 3110. It worked! Willow decided to click Instagram. She couldn't believe her eyes. Now she knew who's body she's in, even if shes just dreaming, it's the body of her favorite streamer Strawberrycake also known as Kimberly.

[The chapter is short i know. This is actually my first story so pls don't be so hard with me. I hope you like the story idea.
What would you do if you were in the situation of Willow?]

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