The Star Cavern

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When the twins got home they immediately spoke to each other.

"Is it ok if we meet up with someone today?" The asked at the same time. They both paused and started to laugh. Hafu nodded.

"Yeah. I'm meeting up with a guy named David at Star Cavern,"

"Oh, both going to the arcade, I'm meeting with Fundy," he said.

"4:00," they spoke again in sync. Again they doubled over laughing. School ended at about 3 for them so they get ready.

Aka they dropped off their stuff. Hafu walked over to her car with her keys. 5up climbed in. The reason they didn't drive to school was because Hafu didn't want to. 5up didn't have his permit yet.

They went into the Star Cavern Arcade and looked around. They got game cards and put money on them.

The arcade was decorated like the solar system. Games were scattered all around and they glanced at each other.

"I can't believe we've never been to an arcade," Hafu finally spoke. 5up remains quiet with wide eyes.

"Hey guys," came David's voice from behind them. The twins turned around and smiled.

"Hey David," Hafu said.

"Alright, so what are we doing first?" 5up asked, still kinda in shock from how big the place was

"Laser tag," David and Fundy said at once. They glanced at each other and David took the lead.

He led them to the far end of the arcade and they handed the person their cards. Two people joined the line behind them.

Two girls this time. David looked away from them and Fundy proceeded to pretend they didn't exist.

Hafu and 5up traded confused looks. Why did they seem so cold all of a sudden? The girls looked nice enough

It was the two from the bus. Maybe they had been part of the group that split.

They were given guns and the person split them up. Girls vs boys.

Hafu was sent in and they had a minute to prepare. All three crouched down behind a block that was impossible to see behind.

"So you're new here?" Janet asked. Hafu nodded and Kimi frowned.

"So why are you hanging out with David and Fundy?" She asked. Hafu tilted her head in confusion.

"Why not?"

"I don't know. Just curious," Janet mumbled. The boys came in and immediately Hafu aimed for 5up.

Janet and Kimi vs David and Fundy. Laser tag at Star Cavern. They both aimed once they boys entered the arena. And fired.

The game ended immediately and the boys were not happy.

Arguing started once they left the small arena. Yelling and screaming. Eyes flashing red. Fundy lunged at Kimi in anger.

She dodged as David went after Janet. A fight to what should've been the death.

Thankfully Karl and Corpse came in. They quickly stopped the fight.

"Wait. Guys it's ok. Its just a game," Karl said, trying to keep them from killing each other. Fundys ears pinned back and he stormed off.

David followed as the girls went deeper into the arcade.

"That was definitely unusual," Corpse said in his deep voice. Something was very wrong there

Kimi and Janet fired and both hit there marks. 5up dodged though and took done Janet and Kimi. It was him vs his sister.

"Shoot me. I dare you!" Hafu challenged. It meant nothing to them, win or lose.

Hafu fired again and this time 5up wasn't quick enough. She hit him and the game ended.

"Alright. Good game," 5up said as they left the arena. They saw the boys arguing with the girls though.

Hafu grabbed David and pulled him away as he went to lunge at Kimi. 5up dragged Fundy off as he went to hurt Janet.

5up saw something, red flashing in Fundys eyes. Hafu saw it in David's.

That wasn't normal, it was weird

"What the hell is wrong with you two?" Hafu demanded. They both looked at the ground.

"I don't know. That's why we stopped talking to them. A fight just like this one," David mumbled his explanation. Hafu crossed her arms and she wore a motherly face expression

And angry mother

"Well, can you try to get along? It's a game! You don't see me and 5up going after each other!" Hafu snapped.

"Let's go home Hafu," 5up said. She turned away from the boys and the twins left. They rode in silence before getting back to their room.

"Did you see David's eyes. They were red for a minute," Hafu said. 5up nodded. It had freaked him out, THATS why he wanted to go home

"It flashed in Fundys eyes too. You think something else is going on?" 5up asked her, curious to see what her response was. She was smarter than him in a lot of ways but he had the other half of the brain

"Yeah. Possibly. But what and why? And most importantly how?" She said. They settled into silence for a minute, unsure of what to say

"Yeah. How do we get the group back together?" 5up asked, wanting to make them all friends again. It sucked when a group split up.

"Ok. First things first. We need to figure out who likes who and who hates each other's guys," Hafu said. 5up nodded. She was right of course. That's how they needed to do it. An important fact dawned on him

"We also should figure out who was in the group," he said. Hafu groaned and flopped onto her back. 5up watched from his own bed

"We can solve that tomorrow. Right now I just wanna sleep," she muttered. It was their first day and already they were trying to solve a mystery of some sort

"I agree," 5up said. He moved to his sisters bed and pulled her close to his chest. Hafu curled into his arms and leaned her head back on his chest.

"Night 5," she mumbled. He smiled slightly at his older twin

"Night fu,"he muttered back and closed his eyes

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