Part 4

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Staring up at the rickety house in front of me I grimaced. The smell of rust dampening the clean air and making my throat dry up. I lean against the Impala as Dean and Sam discuss the plans with each other to the side of me. I glance down at the dark rubble at my toes and start kicking rocks in boredom. No longer having Jo to keep me company as she had gone to look at the perimeter for where they would place the salt circle. I pick up the tiny rock that I had been kicking and stare down at it. My gaze slowly went up to the house. I feel a small smirk grace my lips as I take the rock in my right hand and throw it at the previous window. The rock pings off the glass and I see Dean whip around to me out of the corner of my eye. I rolled my eyes, already sick of his attitude today. Him barely saying anything to me since we parked other than, "stay put." Dick. Of course I'm going to stay put, I just want to get back to the bunker and continue watching Criminal Minds with Cas. I'm going to be royally pissed if he started the next episode without me while I'm out here risking my freaking life.

"Are you trying to piss off the spirit?" Dean asked me with an annoyed edge to his voice. I fought the urge to pick up another rock and throw it at him this time.

"Yes, actually. That's exactly what I was planning on doing. I obviously don't know your guy's plan because you let me in on your little chit-chat. So I had to come up with my own. " I glance back at Sam and he throws me an apologetic smile. My eyes softened to let him know he wasn't the one I was truly annoyed with.

Dean let out a low huff as he rubbed his hands over his face. After a moment of whatever he was doing he glanced back up at me. His expression no longer filled with annoyance, but with worry.

"Are you sure you're up to this, Odessa? If not I'm sure Jo would be perfectly fine with taking over." Even though I could hear the sincerity in his voice, it almost made me even more mad. Did he not think that I could do this? And even better, that Jo could do it better? My eyebrows furrow as I stalk closer to him. Dean's back visibly straightening out.

"Tell me the plan."

"And when you have him distracted Dean and I will drop the salt circle around the house. But it's going to be risky, Odessa. As soon as the ghost realizes he's trapped he's going to become erratic. So you have to get out of the house as fast as you can. Alright?" Sam finished up the end of the plan and I let out a low breath and nodded my head in agreement.

"Alright let's get this over with then." Sam walked up to me and passed me a salt rifle. He was about to walk off but turned around and pressed a small kiss to my forehead.
"Be careful Ernie." As he pulls back I send him a dazzling smile.

"Aren't I always, Bert?" He just rolls his eyes as he squeezes my shoulder as he walks to the side of the house where the bags of sand were placed.

"You promise if anything goes south, you worry about yourself first and get out of there. Fuck the job, you just get out of there alright?" I turn around to look at Dean as he asks me. My heart tightens in my chest at the look on his face. His words rang in my ears. His eyes pierced my own. The green illuminated in the moonlight, making Dean look even more breathtaking. As if that was possible. Jo was a lucky girl. The luckiest.

"Ode?" Dean asks again, as I realized I'd just been staring at him again. I send him a small smile and walk up to him. I punch his shoulder.

"Obviously man. You really think I'd let a ghost mess up this," I bring my hand up to gesture to my face, "I'm too pretty to die."

Dean looks down at me, his eyes lost on my face, a small smile on his lips. The cold demeanor from earlier is nowhere to be seen. Dean brings his hand up and brushes some hair that had fallen in my face away. I don't know if I had voluntarily held my breath, or I just couldn't breathe as Dean looked at me. As Dean toys with the end of my hair, something changes in his faces as he drops my hair and stands back. I'm shocked by the change so I take a step back as well. The close proximity we were once in. Along with my ability to think straight. Dean looks behind me at something and I turn around to see Jo staring at Dean with a small grimace on her face. But as she sees me turn around the cold smile is gone and she looks over to me and puts on a toothy smile.

Mine for A Long Time- A Dean Winchester StoryWhere stories live. Discover now