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Huey thought about it for a moment. "We let them do their jobs for now. We pretend as if we don't know. For right now, we have even bigger problems. I don't like loose ends, Riley. Rafael is going to be coming after us and with Caesar gone, I need you to step up." He said.

Riley nodded his head. "So, this means I'm second in charge?"
"Yes. And I need you to round up some people and work out how we can squash Rafael quickly, I don't want anyone joining his side. Meanwhile, I'll be calling a meeting with the Bosses to let them know who's back in charge." He said.

"Aight bro, Ima get right on it." Riley and Huey dapped up, Riley left the office and Huey sat down on a chair, planning out their next moves.


Caesar was dumped in an alleyway with his right-leg shot through. Christini was forced out of the car and they both were left. Christini went to Caesar's aid.

"Come on, I have a place we can stay." She said, helping him stand.

"Them motherfuckers! They didn't even let me get my fucking son!" Caesar called out. Christini guided him out of the alley. "It's okay, you'll get them back. For now we need to get your leg patched up."

The apartment were the girls stayed wasn't far from where they were. Christini and Caesar hobbled the rest of the way there. She took the elevator up. Once they got into the apartment, Caesar fell down on the couch.

"I'm losing blood ova here!"

She quickly went to the bathroom and opened up the medicine cabinet. She scooped up some alcohol and some rags. She went back into the living room and sat down next to Caesar. She propped his leg up on the coffee table and examined it.

She smiled. "You're lucky, the bullet went clean through. I can handle this. Brace yourself though."

Christini poured some alcohol on the wound, not giving him anytime to stop him. Caesar screamed in agony. "What the fuck bit---" He gasped in pain. "You tryna kill me?!?"

She side glanced him. "This is the farthest from the pain you'll experience if you try to call me a bitch again." She took the rags and began wrapping up his wound. Caesar muttered something under his breath.

She finished wrapping up the wound. "That should be good for a day or two. Wouldn't recommend walking on it though."

Caesar scoffed. "I'm not worried about some bitch ass leg shot. I'm worried about my son, I don't want no punk ass nigga like Huey raising him. Most importantly, I ain't being cut out of that bidness. I worked too fucking hard not to be included." He shook his head.

"Then why did you do what you did?" She questioned. Caesar snapped his head towards her. "Because I'm owed that MUCH! I looked out for these niggas for all my life. Left my child and my fucking girlfriend. I ruined my entire relationship with my family for these niggas. And what's the thanks I get? Some disrespect from this nigga brother? A lecture about how raise my children?" Caesar shook his head.

"These niggas are going to recognize after I get healed up... I'm coming for everything and everybody."


Cindy received a text message from Riley. "Huey is feeling better enough to move back into the mansion, y'all should roll through." She shoved the message to Jazmine and they both tidied up the cabin before the left. They got into the car and made the long drive back.

"Jazmine, I have a question." Cindy said.


"How are you feeling about this investigation? I feel like it's getting a bit too...personal?" She admitted.

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