War Zone

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It was lunch time, the guys went to the cafeteria for lunch. Ah Reum went to take her usual seat at their table as the guys all sat around her. "Hey guys" Nana said as she walked to their able with a smile. She looked around them hoping to spot Donghae. "Nana noona" Sehun smiled.

"Have you guys seem Donghae?" she asked.

"Last I saw he was catching up on his missing assignments" Suho answered her. She thanked him and skipped along, out the cafeteria. "Ah Reum let's go get some food" D.O said as he stood up. She nodded her head yes as she got up and went with him. While they were on the line D.O turned to her and asked "Tell me honestly. Where have you been hiding?"

"Not hiding. Just taking a little vacation."

"Then why haven't you kept in contact?"

"I talked to Kai oppa before coming back. Plus I was a bit busy" she said as they moved up on the line. "Only Kai?" he asked moving forward. She nodded her head innocently, they picked up and tray as they were deciding on what to eat. Ah Reum was looking around for some meat, she started sulking when she couldn't find any settled with something else. They walked back to the table as she handed Suho her extra tray like always. "You still take care of Suho hyung, even now" Kai said.

"Not just him" she said giving her tray to Luhan. He smiled at her and she did the same.

Nana walked to the classroom with a smile on her face. She held the can of coffee in her hand. She took a deep breath before walking in the classroom. Donghae looked up and saw Nana approaching him, right there he felt burdened just by seeing her again. "I bought this for you" she said, settling it down on his desk. He looked at it and pushed it to the side, "I'm good" he said coldly.

"I missed you" she said, "I figured you'd come back."

"I only came back to tell you to stop killing people" he said, meeting her eyes for the first time since they met, "And your welcome home gift, what were you thinking?"

"I thought I'd welcome you back with a familiar face. From what I gathered, you two were friends" she said as she tilted her head to the right with a sly smile on her face. Donghae shook his head before looking back at his work he was working on. "Don't be like that. Even though you're mad at me there were some good times between us" she said, sitting down on the desk next to his. He refrained himself from turning to look at her. He remained silent, ignoring her, but that just made her annoyed. Ah Reum walked, "Oppa, Suho oppa's calling you" she said. They both turned to look at her, Donghae got up and left. Ah Reum looked at Nana who was walking towards him with her hands folded. She stopped in front of her, staring her in the eyes. "You think I don't know what you are?"

Ah Reum smiled, "And what would that be?"

"I know you're a wolf. But I'm a pure breed which means I out rank you."

"Am I suppose to be scared?"

Nana was growing more and more irritated with every word Ah Reum spoke, but it only pleased Ah Reum more. Tension was growing more and more between those two, "It means that I could kill you without breaking a sweat" Nana said.

"And you think that will win you Donghae oppa's heart?" Ah Reum said. Nana grabbed her and pushed her hard against the wall.

Luhan was wondering what was taking Ah Reum to come since Donghae was already there. He got up and went to started at the classroom, maybe she was still there. He turned the corner and saw her talking to Nana. Suddenly Nana grabbed her and pushed her to the wall. Luhan was startled by that, he was going to walk over there but stopped. "Are you crazy" Ah Reum screamed.

"You must really want to die" Nana growled. Ah Reum looked at her before opening her mouth to speak, "Let go of me while I'm still asking nicely."


"I promised oppa I wouldn't get mad, but this is starting to get annoying."

"Are you even paying attention to me?" Nana said growing more annoyed. She pulled her forward and slammed her back against the wall. Harder this time that there was a hole. "Ow" she cried. Her eyes turned red again. Luhan ran in and pushed Nana off Ah Reum. "Are you okay?" he asked her. Ah Reum looked at him, "Yo-your eyes" he said stunned by it. She broke free from him and was running away. "Ah Reum" Kai called her but she didn't stop, he turned and saw her running, "What happened?" he asked himself. He heard voices as he followed it and saw Luhan and Nana talking. "What did you do?" he asked her.

"What do you mean. If anything, she started this."

"She's not that kind of person."

She turned to him, "And I am?"

"I just know that ever since you came here there's been a lot violence and deaths. Do us a favor and just leave, it's not like there's anyone here that wants you around" he said as he left. Kai hid as Luhan was walking pass him, when he was out of sight, he leaned over and saw Nana standing there with her hands balled into a fist. "What happened?" Kai asked himself.

Ah Reum went to the bathroom and looked at her reflection. The red eyes scared her, she was walking back and forth trying to calm herself down, every five seconds she kept looking at her reflection to see if her eyes were back to normal, but it was still red. She started to panic, "Ah Reum. Are you in there?" she heard Luhan's voice on the other side of the door. She walked to it, "Yeah" she answered.

"Are you okay in there?"

"No. Can you get Donghae oppa for me please."

"Sure. Hold on" he said before leaving. Kai saw him leave as he walked to the girls bathroom, he walked in, "Ah Reum?" he asked. She turned as he took a step back, "Kai?"

"Your eyes" he started but couldn't find the right words to finish the sentence. "You don't look surprised. How come?" she asked.

"Because to me, you're still the same Ah Reum before, but you just got some cool contacts" he smiled. She laughed with him as the door opened again, Donghae and Luhan walked in. "Kai?" they both said shocked to see him there. They looked at Ah Reum, "We can explain" Donghae started.

"Kai already knows about wolves" Luhan said.


"It was after you left."

"Oppa why aren't my eyes going back to normal?" Ah Reum said. He walked towards her to examine it. It was strange, this was the first time he's seen this before, but then again Ah Reum wasn't your normal wolf. No wolf has red eyes or a purple mark, she was something special. "I told you not to get angry" Donghae said.

"It wasn't her fault. Nana provoked it" Luhan said.

"This might seeem random but why isn't there any girls in here?" Ah Reum asked.

"Someone was killed in her so the girls are kind of scared to come in" Kai explained.

"For now let's just go home and figure this out" Donghae said as he took his jacket off, again, and put it over her head. As they were exiting the girls bathroom Nana saw them, she had a small smile on her face as she watched them. "This just got better" she laughed to herself.

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