~Moving on, Gondor, Friends, Old Faces, Meeting New Friends~

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~Aleas' POV~

As we rode on to Gondor all of us tired and ready for rest, honestly since we left Rivendell we haven't rested much. It's been maybe an hour here and there that we would stop to rest. Then all of us would sleep but one and then the next rest that one would sleep while we all kept watch. Sadly I was the one who got volunteered for watch, and the one who got the least amount of sleep on this trip and I know I look like hell. I was pulled from my thoughts by the feel of myself slipping from my saddle, I jerked awake and shook my head. Aragorn came up beside me giving me a confused look, I sighed before letting out a small yawn covering my mouth in the process. I felt Aragorn take my hand, I looked at him, and he gave me a small smile before nodding at Legolas. He came over taking my reins from me while Aragorn took me by the waist pulling me onto his horse so I was riding side saddle with my head against his chest. I smiled, cuddling into him and letting my eyes close, as a calm sleep took me and I knew that when I wake we'll be in Gondor. I was lightly shaken awake at sunset as we were walking through the main gates into Gondor. I sighed rubbing my eyes before sitting up, I looked up to see Aragorn with a smile on his face and love in his blue eyes. I looked behind us to see Legolas walking my horse, I sat up a bit letting out a hiss of pain, Aragorn looked at me.

"Are you alright?"

I sighed nodding my head.

"Yes, just not used to sleeping side saddle on a horse, I think I'm going to ride to the castle on my horse."

"Are you sure? I kinda like this."

I smiled sitting up better making my nose touch his.

"You want to show your friends that you're alright, that you've moved on, that you're happy don't you?

"Yes, it would be nice, that and you're a beautiful maiden, to add to it Pippins going to be there."

I laughed, shaking my head.

"Yes, the look on his face would be quite the sight wouldn't it?"

"Yes, yes it would."

"Alright, looks like this is where I'm staying."


I stayed sitting on his saddle until we reached the castle and saw people lining up, there was a man in white, and four Hobbits. I noticed Pippin standing there with his pipe, along with Merry, and the man in white who I assume to be Gandalf the white. Aragorn kissed my temple and I smiled, shaking my head before hopping down, I stretched a bit before feeling a pair of small arms wrap around my waist. I looked down to see a head of light reddish-blond curls, I sighed, shaking my head before removing Pippin's arms from around me. Aragorn came over taking my hand in his, Pippin gulped and I chuckled leaning down kissing his cheek.

"Once again Pippin Took that's all you're getting from me, now where's Merry?"

"I'm here Lady Alea."

"What did I say? I'm no lady, it's just Alea, and get over here, I believe you owe me a hug."

He smiled and ran over giving me a hug before pulling away, Aragorn smiled, taking my hand in his and walking me up the few stairs to the man in white. The man bowed with a small smile coming to his face before he looked between Aragorn and I.

"I see you've returned, not only to take your throne but to add a Queen I hope?"

Aragorn smiled looking at me nodding his head.

"Yes, with a Queen."

The man smiled nodding his head before looking at me with a wide smile.

"I am Gandalf the White, but you can just call me Gandalf, you are?"

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