Silence Meets the Grave

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There was so much she wanted to say, yet when she opened her mouth nothing came out. Instead, Marinette found herself standing behind him, watching the dark shadow of his shoulders as Jason pretended he didn't care—he didn't care, he said so many times, yet she knew that he cared about Nightwing who she would later learn was Dick Grayson.

Her mouth opened, wondering what she should say, given the fact she'd not ever lost anyone close to her like that, yet in her head, there was this voice saying that she was just as close to Dick Grayson as she was to Jason Todd, an odd sort of family that she found herself pulled into simply because Grayson was Grayson, someone who pulled people into things with just a simple smile.

—a smile that neither one of them, any of the team would see anymore.

Sure, there was the hologram down in the memorial spot that they'd set up, but it wasn't the same. Again, Marinette wanted to say something, yet the thought of disturbing Jason as he looked at the freshly dug grave didn't seem right. She wasn't as close as he was—

Marinette didn't expect Jason to turn, his facial features dark before he came over and brushed a tear away from her face, making her realize she'd been crying. He let out a sigh before telling her to follow after him while words still didn't come.

Silence—and she followed.

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