His Smile ❤️

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That night after Mason was born and everyone had gone home someone came into Nicole's room and watched as Nikki slept and the baby slept next to her ! He saw how beautiful Mason was ! Nicole's dad picked him up and carried him Mason woke up and when Mason saw his grandfather he smiled and it warned his heart to see his grandson smiling at him ! He wanted nothing more to wake up Nicole and tell her that he loved her and he was proud of her but instead he kissed Mason and then kissed Nicole's forehead and left !

A month after Nicole gave birth to Mason she was turning 16 and John was happy to have his little family ! Sure non of them were on much sleep since little Mason wouldn't stop crying at night but would sleep during the day ! Nicole let John sleep at night because he had school and work, and she could sleep in the day while Mason was sleeping !

At school !

John was standing at his locker half dead trying not to fall asleep when Brianna and Bryan came up to him !

Brie: Hey John you okay ?

He snapped out of his sleep and looked at them !

John: Yeah just really tired !
Bryan: Baby keeping you up all night ?
John: Yeah he won't sleep in the night only in the day which means I don't sleep well at night !
Brie: What about Nicole ?
John: She lets me sleep or well try to sleep she stays up all night with him and sleeps all day when he's asleep !
Brie: So I'm guessing you guys aren't doing anything special for her birthday ?
John: What ? Her birthdays not for like another month !
Bryan: Uhh John ! Her birthday is tomorrow !
John: What are you sure ?
Brie: You know I'm only her twin and whatever but I'm pretty sure her birthday is tomorrow because mine is ! You know unless she changed it !

She said laughing and Bryan joining in !

John: Oh god I'm so sleep deprived that I didn't remember ! Now I have to go plan something and ask for my papers back because I have been writing October instead of November !
Brie: I'm sure they understand ! Hey I know none of us have really been helping but why don't you and Nikki do something this weekend and me an Nanna will take care of Mason ?
John: Talk to Nicole and if he's okay with it I'm fine as well !
Brie: Okay and since you have study hall next why don't you fake a head ache and ask to take a nap in the nurses office ?
John: Yeah I should !

He started walking when Brie turned him around !

Brie: Wrong way nurse is to our left not right !
John: Oh right !

He said as he walked away !

Bryan: Wow !
Brie: I know ! I feel bad I mean I know shouldn't their mistake their responsibility right but still it must be too much for a 16 year old !
Bryan: Would it have been better to give up the baby !

She practically yelled at him !

Brie: Sorry I didn't mean to its just that I love Mason so much I can't picture him with some other family ! It breaks my heart !
Bryan: I know I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that !
Brie: It's okay ! I'm going to class I'll see you at lunch !

He nodded and kissed her then left !

Bries Pov
With everything that has been happening I've haven't been honest with Bryan ! He's a good guy and all but I've been with him a year and I haven't felt for one minute what Nikki felt for John ! I remember her telling me how just after their first date she felt butterflies everything she saw him every time he looked at her ! The way he slowly leaned in to kiss her and how ready she felt to just give him her all ! Yeah that might have ended her up with a baby but still she felt love for him ! And I can't say I feel the same for Bryan ! Now or ever ! With Nikki busy with Mason I haven't been able to talk to someone about this ! Sure there's more people I could but I don't trust anymore more than I trust Nicole ! This is something that will have to wait !

At home !

Nicole for once in a month felt well rested and woke to find her baby Mason still sleeping she started to clean up her house that was in much need if it ! She washes the dishes, did the laundry organized her nursery, and when Mason was finally awake she bathed him then changed him and put him in his car seat and headed to the market !

She was doing her shopping ignoring the people looking at her and the whispers !

Nikki: Look baby ! Before you know it you'll be eating yellow bananas, and red apples ! And green ones !

She talked to him showing him the food that she was picking up and seeing him smile at her just warmed her heart ! She kissed him every time he smiled which only made him smile more !

She continued the shopping when she bumped into her step mother !

(Let's say her name is Cindy)

Cindy: Oh Nicole !
Nikki: Hi Cindy !

She said as she turned away to grab some cans !

Cindy: How are you ?
Nikki: I'm okay adjusting to life !
Cindy: Why what happened ?
Nikki: Umm I had a baby like a month ago !
Cindy: Oh so that's your baby ?
Nikki: Yeah my little Mason ! My dad didn't tell you ?
Cindy: No all he ever talks about is Brianna and JJ when I ask about you he just ignores me ! I guess now I know why !
Nikki: Yeah well he told me that if I didn't abort my baby or give him up for adoption then to forget I have a father and that Brianna is his only daughter !
Cindy: Wow sweetie I'm so sorry !
Nikki: No it's okay I've made my peace with it !
Cindy: I'll talk to him !
Nikki: No it's okay I wouldn't want to cause problems for you guys !

Cindy just nodded and looked at Mason !

Cindy: Can I hold him ?
Nikki: Yeah !

She said as she took him out of his car seat !

Cindy: Oh Nicole he's precious !
Nikki: Thank you he's my heart and soul I can't imagine life without him now !
Cindy: I could imagine ! Oh that smile !
Nikki: I know he warms my heart !

After talking for a while more and getting her shopping done she went home ! When Nikki got home and took Mason out of the car she saw that he had fallen asleep !

Nikki: Oh sure but you can't let mommy and daddy sleep at night ?

She whispered to him and laughed a little and took him inside !

When she went inside she saw John sleeping on the couch ! She smiled and put Mason near him but not too close and went to go get the things from the market inside ! When she went in she found John looking at Mason !

John: Hey why didn't you wake me ?
Nikki: I wouldn't dare you need your sleep !
John: Well how about this weekend Brie and Nanna take care of him and we spend sometime together and by that I mean go to dinner for your birthday !
Nikki: Aww babe you remembered !
John: I'll be honest Brie reminded me I have been so sleep deprived that I thought we were still in October !
Nikki: Haha that's understandable !
John: So ? Shall we ?

Nikki looked down at Mason and sat next to him !

Nikki: Could we really leave this face ?

She said as she pouted !

John: If it means I can have a night alone with you and sleep then yes !

Nikki thought about it and caved !

Nikki: Fine but only because it's my birthday and because I want you to sleep........

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