I'm Back

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Deku POV

After three months it was finally time to go back to UA, but during those three months me and Nemuri or Midnight have gotten closer, she even meet Boris, I will be honest she was completely scared, because from her point of view there was a person living in her house without her knowing.

Anyway it was the day to finally go, but I was a sleep, till Nemuri woke me up

Nemuri- Izuku wake up

Deku - Five more Minutes

Nemuri- Should I go up there and join you

I rushed as I got on the new uniform, it was the same style, but my had built in hoodie, anyway I rush down stairs and I'm meet with Nemuri holding two meatball subs sandwiches and some cash,

Nemuri- Here the cash is for school and the Sub is for breakfast

Deku- Seems unhealthy, but who cares

Nemuri- That's right now let's go

We leave and I start to eat my Sub, we make it to school and we enter through the gate since she's a teacher she always comes first before the students so UA looked like a ghost town.

Nemuri- Alright go to class and wait there for school to start

Deku- Yes ma'am

I got to class while she goes for meeting, I get to class and there is absolutely nothing to do, so I did what every bored teenager do, I slept, again I was in this weird inky abyss, there was no light,

???- Hmmm seems you've grown stronger

Deku- Of course I trained everyday

???- Yes looks like you really did pass "MOVING PICTURES", interesting

Deku- What how

???- You already passed it, I just lied to see what you would do.

Deku- Huh? What a pain in the butt

???- Now it's time for another stage " THE OLD SONG" Let's see if you can pass it

He disappeared in the ink and I was left standing there in this black void,

Deku- Man this sucks

I feel something shack me and I look up to see Tokoyami and Dark shadow,

Deku- Oh Tokoyami, Dark shadow what's up

Tokoyami- What do you mean what's up last year you were sent to jail, and now you're here like nothing happened

Deku- Something did happen

Tokoyami- Like what

Deku- ...... I don't want to talk about it

Tokoyami- Okay if that's what you want

We continued to talk for while and I say Yaoyorozu and a Todoroki walk, weird seeing Todoroki as a girl and Yaoyorozu undid her hair letting it fall down on her shoulder

Tokoyami- Hey Midoriya get out of your perverted thought

Deku- Hey I'm not perverted

Tokoyami- Yeah I soooo believe you

Deku- Whatever,

Yaoyorozu- Midoriya you're back

Deku- Yeah, I was realsed three months ago

Todoroki- And you didn't come sooner because

Deku- Because my room was disassembled and I wasn't in the mood to see the others

Todoroki- Oh okay

While we talked I hear

???- Why is a villain like you here

Deku- Oh Iida long time no see

Iida- I asked you a question

Deku- I was realsed

Iida- Why would they set you free

Deku- Because I wasn't guilty

Iida- But the video-

Deku- Was Toga, did you do get she could transform

Iida- ..... I see

Deku- Yeah now can you leave us be

He walks away and sits in his desk, soon on more of the class came so we sat in our desks before Aizawa sensei comes.

We sat down and I could feel eyes stairing at the back of my head, I look back and see almost the whole class is looking at me with anger, so I did the right thing, I brought
out my my hand put it in a fist stick out my thumb and let my middle finger fly.

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