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nari was moved by his earnestness, "what do you mean?" but couldn't strip the fluttering notion.

"let's hang out," jeno rubbed the back of his head as he admittingly explained to the girl what he meant.

up to this time a doubter, she shrugged it off. "you don't even know me."

"that's why i asked your permission if you'd allow me to know you more."

she was left speechless that night. nari froze on the spot she was standing at like a huge rock nobody would have the strength to move, not even a truck would do.

consequently, jeno tucked his hands inside the pockets of his white chino shorts as he continued talking, "i'm fairly aware as well that i do sound like a creep or a lunatic, maybe, to you because of what i said. i really meant no harm and it's cool with me even if you don't want."

he saw an end to his pursuance however, he was still delighted it was worth the try.

"nice to meet you too. i'll see you when time permits us," to escape the awkwardness, although the air blew sadness, jeno eye smiled through the tension and trudged past the hushed lady.

nari was brought into the light when the candid shoulder chose to flee the sand. how could she doubt honesty?

as he brushed past her, she turned around. "i'm nari. yu nari."

so, the waves arrived home in the seashore.

surprised of what he heard, jeno seized the hour. he hadn't gone far but near enough to the entrance of the beach. when he faced the girl, who shared her beautiful name to a nudging stranger, he saw her a few steps closer to him.

"what's.... this sudden change of mind?" he asked confusingly.

she raised her shoulders for a second making light of the situation, "i don't wanna be a jerk to a tourist and spoil the rest of his days in the island. by the way, do you have plans ahead tomorrow?"

he informed her of his itinerary instantly, "i'm planning to cross daewangam park. they said its rock formation is breathtaking."

jeno kept the silence for a couple of seconds because nari looked like she was about to comment or add information. except she did not.

raising an eyebrow, she finally spoke, "that's it?"

a baffled him concurred, "...yeah?"

"no way!"

"yes way!" their giggles harmonized with the sea.

nari repelled on his answer, "no, i won't take 'yes' from you. let's meet here at 12 in the afternoon tomorrow. i'll give you a comprehensive tour nearby daewangam. you gotta maximize the running clock."

"well, i appreciate your kindness but i have roughly twenty-two days in ulsan. therefore, i have more than what you think." he boasted to her who was by now had widened eyes.

"you're staying that long?!" surprise caught her off guard.

"yep, a month trip to ulsan was a present i got on my 18th birthday," jeno said.

"woah, i've never heard such instances. anyway, we're still pushing through our plan. does it sound good to you?"

he nodded, "of course. are you going now?"

the change in her tone was detected by jeno's ears as she said, "oh. yeah, i have to." yet he ignored what he thought was his illusion.

"then i'll walk you home." nari was moved by his goodwill but she had to decline.

"thank you, jeno, really. it warms my heart but it isn't necessary. i know my way here. it's a shame to be a resident of ulsan without knowing the family with a surname 'yu." she waved off.

"but it's late already," he reasoned.

the same answer left her mouth. "thank you very much but i can manage on my own."

inversely, she returned the proposal, "i can walk you to the hotel instead. it's my way home as well anyway."

jeno was astonished of her spirit. certainly she wasn't a harbinger of dread. just this simple trail home excited him. bobbing his head, he said, "alright. but you'll let me drive you home after our itinerary."

"you're gonna drive around?"

"definitely. i didn't bring my car for nothing."

"ulsan is enjoyable by feet." she argued. sighing, she submitted her opinions to logic, "never mind that. i'm just too persistent on my personal beliefs. gaja?"

she's cute, his mind whispered. i like her tenacious will.


walking side by side, they headed home. even if nari looked like a peanut next to the giant, jeno was fond of the comfort she brought.

he missed the moonrise because of a turn in fate but he regretted nothing.

what happened just now was an act of the solar system aligning together for two strangers turned acquaintances before the swallowing sea of ilsan beach.

everything was right at the moment.

even for nari, her worries were knocked down by the gentleman she was walking home. what did she do to slide into a park of happiness? she was just crying hours ago!

at the back of her mind, she thought of her mother's favorite word.


was this all destined? her parents, specifically her mother, probably heard her lament. they could have been watching her along this week, she was just a hard-headed kid to think they did not.

jeno could have been a man sent by her parents to company her through despair. she was grateful.

as nari and jeno crossed the street, nari walked him through the stairs of hotel dasom's entrance.

before entering, the bellhop, whom she knew since a child, coincidentally made his way through the door.

"hey, nari!"

"hi, mark! it's good to see you."

"same here. have a nice evening!"

"you too."

it was refreshing meeting old friends. she realized missed a lot after locking herself.

jeno spoke softly right after the interaction, "so... this is me."

"i'm looking forward to our adventure, jeno."

he chuckled at her honesty,  "make sure i'll have a good time."

"huh, you don't challenge yu nari."

there ended their first transport of bliss. the exceptional rocks washed over the shore of ilsan that night founded a sturdy relationship that would last forever.

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