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"I literally cannot believe that we're here right now, drinking tea together, waiting to see potential wedding dresses, for you," said Ozge all in one solemn breath, as she and Ayedah sat in a cafe not far from Ayedah and Aunt Gab's house. In front of them were two cups of hot tea and some pastries- they were having what seemed to be their fourth celebration of Ayedah's engagement to Burak that week alone(Ozge-orchestrated, of course). "I honestly have nothing else to say, Ayedah...except I told you so."

"You've said that fifteen times every day since he proposed," Ayedah chuckled. "But you're right, I guess." "Of course I am!" exclaimed Ozge, putting up her hands and doing a dance in her chair. "I won, I won, I won, we all won because we all were rooting for you and now you've finally gotten together and are going to get married!" She morphed her expression into an playfully obnoxious and proud one, clapping her hands.

"Ayedah and Burak, sitting in a tree, about to get m-a-r-r-i-e-d," she chanted, not caring that there were indeed other people in that cafe. Ayedah blushed, smiling goofily as she hid her face in her hands out of embarrassment. It had been a week since Burak proposed to her, and she had been bursting with energy and excitement every day since then. There were nights where she was barely able to sleep, and would often distract herself by writing for her blog- but even then she would be sidetracked by Burak himself, who seemed just as excited as she was. He would either call her or text her, and they would sometimes talk until one of them would fall asleep.

"Allah askina, he even announced it," sighed Ozge, after she was tired of dancing. "Even if he did hide your face on his Instagram Story he still announced it- and he hid your face with a heart emoji." "I asked him to," admitted Ayedah. "To hide your face with a heart emoji?" teased Ozge, making Ayedah roll her eyes. "No, but to keep my identity under wraps," she elaborated. "I'm not ready for that spotlight yet." "Well, take your time," said Ozge with a grin. "I expected you would, though, and Burak did too when we discussed it." Ayedah's eyes widened as she spooned a bit of chicken pie into her mouth; "You knew?" she gasped. "You knew he was going to propose? Just you, Ozge, or-"

"Oh we all did," said Ozge as if it were the most casual thing in the world. "He told us- your aunt first, though. He went to ask for her blessing." "Oh my," said Ayedah, propping her arms up on her elbows and letting her chin rest on the back of her conjoined hands. "Wait- how many people knew?" "Me, Gabriella Teyze and Yigit Ucan of course," said Ozge. "Burak said his family did too. Then there was the rest of the cast, and Mehmet and Asli Zeynep. That's it." Ayedah's mouth open and shut like a goldfish.

"'That's it' is equivalent to a lot of people," she chuckled. "How long exactly was it planned for...?" "About two weeks before he took the long shot," said Ozge, making Ayedah's eyes widen in surprise. "He wanted to do it earlier but...well, he wanted you to have more time."

She smiled at Ayedah, but sighed a little; "You know, I wasn't really supportive of the idea at first," she began, making Ayedah stare at her before she interrupted; "Wait, you weren't supportive of the idea?" she asked, amazed. "I thought you would be the one orchestrating the whole thing!" "Well, Ayedah- you were hurting," said Ozge matter-of-factly, cradling her cup of tea between her palms. "I knew you were, and anyone would understand why you would be, after what happened with your brother... I just thought that perhaps the emotions brought by a marriage proposal would make everything so much more turbulent."

"How did you make up your mind, and come to the conclusion that it was okay for him to do so?" asked Ayedah. "Well, Burak actually came to the boutique one day to meet with your aunt at her office," said Ozge, surprising her. "That's where he told her that he wanted to marry you and propose, some two and a half weeks ago. He asked for her blessing."

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