Knock it off, Bob!

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2nd person pov

It was a hot summer day. The sun blazed directly on you. Although it was nearly 90 degrees, you were still wearing your signature long-sleeve sweatshirt with jeans. Jeez, I guess it was colder in the store, you thought, before crossing the road to reach the street you live on. As you were walking back to your home, you notice your neighbors were out in their yard. There was a tall man with blonde, messy hair and a brown hoodie, and a short person with very curly white hair and a red-black jacket. They seemed to be arguing while a "child" was recording and snickering. As you got closer, you could understand what they were saying, although it was still hard to make out.

The blonde-haired man rubbed his temples and started speaking. "I get it's fun, but you can't just keep going up to random people and try to kill them, Bob.." Your eyes widened, but you listened in anyways. "Now when you word it like that, it makes it sound like a bad thing." the short one, 'Bob', said. "Because it IS a bad thing. Murder is a crime." "No duh! That's what makes it fun! Look, I'll do it again right now." You started backing away. "Bob, no--" the tall one began, before Bob appeared in front of you before you could even process the argument.

"Why are you here?" they asked you. You stood in silence for a bit before trying to speak. "UUhh-- I'm sorry I was just cur-" They interrupted you by dragging you onto the yard, and holding you above their head. You let out a small squeak when they lifted you up. This bitch is like 4 foot what the fuck "Hey, Ron! Watch this!" Ron glared at Bob, saying nothing. He knew they weren't actually gonna do it if he didn't say anything. "Hellooo? Do you not care?" You and Ron made eye contact for a couple seconds, and you just made an awkward grin. He sighed and walked over.

"I care very much, actually," he said, pulling you out of Bob's arms and placing you on the ground. "You're just no fun." Bob crossed their arms, looking up at Ron. "I'm not a criminal." He rolled his eyes. "Ehehe, I think I'll just go now.." you said, backing away and running back to your house.

"Fuck, I forgot the groceries.."

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