Princess Sofia and Prince Hugo went to a dragon's house and asked what happened. "Hello... dragon, we have come here to see if you guys are ok," said Sofia as she looked at the dragon which was scratching its scales. "Very nice of you dear, but we are suffering from a pandemic. And we're definitely not okay," said the dragon who was again scratching its scales. The scales were falling down where Princess Sofia and Prince Hugo were standing. "Maybe, we should get out of here," Hugo whispered to Sofia. "No, we're supposed to find this story a happy ending," Sofia whispered Hugo back.
They were heading to the next house. So, guys, I wonder if we roo go along with them? Comment down below. Now, maybe your answer must be a yes! Let's wear the invisibility cloak and go with them. Here, one for you and one for me! Now let's wear it this instant! Speaking of which, I just remembered the Harry Potter series! Which book do you like in the Harry Potter series? Comment down below. Mine must be 'Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban'
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I've read the whole novel! That's where Sirius Black was considered as innocent! Read more if you want the whole story! Well, I have that book in my sweet home.
Tell me your favourite one! Ahem... Where was I? Oh yes!
Will Hugo manage himself as a Storykeeper? Will Sofia and Hugo cure the dragons? Or will they suffer with the same pandemic until they get cured after many period of years?
Lots of questions awaiting you! Comment down below 👇🏻. See y'all next time! Bye!