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I chose 𝒯𝓇𝓊𝓈𝓉/𝒬𝓊𝒾𝑒𝓉 to this one.

𝐵𝒶𝓂 closed his eyes. Everyone was so noisy, they didn't help at all of his tiredness. Of course he was happy that his friends were around, but he needed to rest from the world for a bit. He needed a warm bath or just a nice sleep, to relax and reload his energy, but he didn't want to left them there...again. 

Even though he didn't do it with purpose to disappear for 7 years, and he also didn't want his friends to believe he was dead, but he still felt guilty and wished if he could go back to the time and restart everything. He didn't want to left his dear friends again. Unfortunately a certain blue haired boy recognized how tired he was and immediately made and excuse, to rout out the boy with golden eyes. Bam couldn't really say a thing, he was just too tired to say anything, so he just smiled apologisely to his friends and followed the lightbearer. 

"Bam, you know that everyone would understand that you are tired. You don't need to overpush yourself just to stay with us. We are now together again and we have a lot of time to be around eachother." the blue haired boy stopped when they went enough far from the others. 

"I know, mr.Khun, but...we could never know if nothing will happen yesterday and we got separated again...or worse." Bam looked away, unable to look his friend's blue orbs. 

"Bam..." Khun's face softened, he felt sorry for the brown haired boy that he wasn't able to stay at his side in the couple of past years. He couldn't imagine what FUG did to him, and he wouldn't even want to know. "Don't think so much about it. We won't disappear. I promise." 

Bam slowly noded, Khun was probably right, he was thinking too much. But he couldn't really help about it. The blue haired boy slowly started to walk again, grabid his wrist gently, Bam looked down to their hands. Khun followed him to their and Rak's shared doorm, and gently pushed him down on the bed. 

"I'm still clothed, Khun." said Bam with a weak smile, but the blue haired boy shock his head.

"Just shut up and go to sleep." said the boy, more like in a sweet tone, then an agressive one, he would use to others. Yes, Bam was his sweet point, and he know it since the start. He couldn't forget him, even though he thought for 7years that he was dead, he couldn't help but be loyal to him. He promised himself that he will protect his eyes once, and he failed. Khun wanted to make it sure that it wouldn't happen again, that he wouldn't left Bam's side. He was the meaning of his life after all, but he wasn't sure if Bam thought about him in the same way. Yes, he was his best friend but that's all, he didn't really think that Bam would look at him in a romantic way. He didn't even think that Bam would have time for think about things like love, if he even know what love means. The boy only wanted to be stronger, and it sometimes scared him. He didn't want to be left behind, he needed to be stronger too. 

"Khun, are you alright?" Bam's tired and soft voice brought him back to earth. He looked down at, straight into the golden eyes were was perking up at him with worry. 

"Yes, I'm. Sorry I just got a bit distracted by my own thoughts." he chuckle, then took the blanket and covered the other boy.

"You look tired too." 

"Well, I'm, but I still have some things to do first. Don't worry for me, I'm not even half tired as you are." he smiled soflty, while he stand up, a hand grabbed his wrist.

"Don't go. I don't want to be alone." 

"You are not alone, Bam. You know that we are here. Just sleep, your body need to rest or you will faint again, and we don't want that." Bam closed his eyes but didn't reply. He wanted to argue about it, that his body isn't that weak, and he already felt more tired before, but he didn't have the strenght too. "You hear it right?" asked Khun suddenly after some second, the other boy's eyes opened.

"I hear nothing." he said. 

"Yes, because it's so quiet outside. We were enough far away, so you can rest peacefully. But we are also enough close to ask help from. If you felt uncomfortable or you can't sleep, or have pain or something, just call me and I'll come." Khun sat down beside him. "But if you want I can stay here with you until you fall asleep." 

"Sure." Bam hummed, and decided to close his eyes again. The presence of his friend was enough for him to relax. Khun was right, there was quiet outside, not that type of quietness he feared in the past, it was a nice one. After he got back to his friends, he liked it when they were noice, so he was sure about it that they were around him. In his mind silence was connected with loneliness, and he couldn't stand it. "Just promise me, that you will be my side for ever." he mumured for the last time, until his eyes finally shut close. 

Khun lips formed a small smile, then he leaned closer to him, and kissed his forehead. "I promise, I won't left you, it doesn't matter what will happen. I don't let anyone to take away from us again..." Bam didn't relpy, the brown haired boy fell asleep quickly. 

When Khun left the room, he saw Isu comming across with Hatz and Rak.

"Be quiet. Bam is sleeping..." 

𝘒𝘩𝘶𝘯𝘉𝘢𝘮 𝔀𝓮𝓮𝓴 【2021】Where stories live. Discover now