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Two days had passed since Dream had mentioned anything about George coming to Florida. Two or three times he had convinced himself that it really was not happening after all. However, every once in a while, he would pull up that email that was forwarded to him and he would always get that nervous feeling in the pit of his stomach. They had not talked much since the whole spur of the moment trip, and later Dream wondered if the reason George did it at all was due to his lack of sleep from the night before. In the end he always talked himself in circles that George was mad at him for pressuring him into the trip, to George would not have booked the flight if he did not want to come, to they were not talking because George was mad at him, and finally he settled on 'what happens will happen'.

He had sent George a text shortly after he dragged himself out of bed that morning, but he had not heard back from the older man yet. The one thing that was weighing the most on his mind was the fact that George had not bought a round trip ticket. He had bought a ticket to get him to Florida, but he had not chosen one that would give him a hard amount of time to stay before he would have to go back so he did not miss his flight. He had tried bringing this up to the other man, but George had brushed him off and said that he would get that one when he needed it.

This did nothing to help the thoughts that Dream was already battling with. He switched between wanting to plan out almost every day that he thought George may be here, but he also just wanted to have everything be almost as spur of the moment as his trip down in the first place. A knock on his bedroom door snapped Dream from the path of thoughts that he was about to find himself lost in once again, and he let out a small, surprised noise as he turned around quickly in his chair. "Yeah?" he called out. He knew it was either Sapnap, or someone that Sap had let into the house.

"You want to stream with me?" Sapnap called through the door.

"What are you planning?" Dream asked. He stood up from his chair and walked over to the door and opened it. He found his friend leaning against the doorframe in his normal black jean and long sleeve shirt combo. The other man had an easy smile on his face, and Dream wondered whether asking him to stream was the only reason that he came. He got his answer when Sapnap used his arm to push him to the side slightly and moved so they were both inside of his room.

"Oh good, now that I know you are awake." Sapnap moved into his room and let himself drop not so gracefully into the computer chair that Dream had just left. "I talked with George yesterday while he was streaming with me. After he stopped, he said he was coming to Florida?" Dream swallowed hard and did his best to put a relaxed smile on his face as he turned to face his friend. "What's that all about?"

Sapnap was one of Dream's closest friends. They lived together. Of course, they would end up getting close enough to talk about things like this. Sapnap did not know the whole situation or all of the things that were going on in his mind when it came to George, but after a night of a few too many drinks, Dream had let some of the details of the dreams slip to one of his closest friends. He had thought that the other man would have a worse reaction when he did. However, Sapnap had just offered him a small smile and said 'I know you, Clay. I see the way that you talk to him, and don't even get me started about how you talk about him.' The conversation that followed was easy, and Dream did not know how much he would feel better to just get a little bit of what he was thinking out there. It helped him start to sort through the never-ending stream of confusing thoughts that followed the dreams he had about George.

"Oh yeah, I invited him down a few days ago. I never really expected that he would say yes. But then he bought a ticket and now I guess he is going to be staying with us for a little bit." He paused and looked down at his shirt for a moment. He was nervous and felt like he was on too much of a display standing by the door, so he moved over and sat on the edge of his bed. "But yeah." He shrugged and offered a tight-lipped smile to Sapnap who let out a loud laugh.

"Well don't act too excited" the other man joked, and Dream found it harder to offer a smile this time. "What are you worried about?" He asked, and Dream looked at him while wondering how Sapnap had managed to read him better than most people. They were good friends, but sometimes Dream did not pay attention to just how important Sapnap had become to him. They were family now. They shared a house, late night conversations, and Dream had shared a lot of what he did not dare to tell anyone else to Sapnap. "Is this about thinking that you may want to be more than friends?" Dream's head snapped up and he locked eyes with Sapnap who was now lounging back in his chair. He had never voiced these thoughts before, yeah, they may have been implied, but hearing them being said just made his stomach drop and his heart speed up slightly. "What? Was I not supposed to say anything about that?" Dream snorted out a shocked laugh because he did not know what else to do at that moment.

"I, well I jus- I just never said that is all." Dream stumbled out and he shifted uncomfortably on the bed. "I don't even know if that is really the case." He struggled to find his words, but then he finally just sighed and said, "What if I do? What if it turns out that the visit makes me feel like I really do? And then he doesn't." Dream waved a hand between them, and that one motion said more than any of the other words that he could have said. Sapnap just offered him a small smile and then stood up from where he had been resting.

"Guess we will have to wait and figure that out. You guys are close, you will figure something out. You will just have to read the cues." He cut himself off for a minute and looked back at Dream. ", you suck at that, let me read the social cues, and you just have fun" They both laughed at this, and Sapnap pulled Dream into a standing position and patted his shoulder.

"I just don't want to fuck anything up." Dream said with a small sigh.

"Then don't?" Sapnap offered, earning himself an unimpressed look. "What? That's all I got. I came in here originally to ask you if you wanted to order food. I am starving!" Sapnap made a dramatic gesture of rubbing his stomach. "So, either you can sit in here and keep worrying about fucking George, or you can come eat with me." He then turned and walked out of the room with a "Come on if you want food. I will eat without you."

"SAPNAP!" Dream yelled after him. The other man stopped in the hall and looked over his shoulder with a smile. "Why did you say it like that? I said fucking it up with George! Not fuc- you know what I am not even going to say that." Dream took a deep breath and then rolled his eyes.

"So are we getting food or what?" Dream looked at Sapnap and just shook his head slightly.

"Yeah," he finally sighed "Let's go." Both men walked to their living room to debate what they wanted to order, and even though the conversation was not as helpful as Dream had hoped it would be, but he did feel a little bit better after having talked to someone about it.

He was starting to be more excited than nervous to see George.

1,434 words

Kind of a filler chapter, but I hope you enjoy!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2021 ⏰

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