Chapter 18

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Sorry I haven't updated in a while, A lot has been going on. But for you here's chapter 18, hope you enjoy, lovelies. x


Liam felt a large hand grasp his shoulder as they shook him once again, Liam's eyes fluttered opened to see Harry his eyes were dull like he hasn't gotten any sleep and the frown that was still on his lips.

"Liam c'mon can we go find Lou and Ni now?" Harry asked with hope in his voice he really wanted to look for the two older boys day and night non stop.

"Yeah, Haz. Just give me a minute." Liam sighed running a hand over his buzzed cut head.

"No time Liam c'mon now." Harry basically yelled, pulling Liam off of the couch.

"Haz, calm down we will find Niall and Louis don't worry." Liam sighed, getting up from his position on the floor an dusting his bum off.

"Now, I'm gonna go get dressed. Be patient." Liam assured Harry walking to the bathroom and preparing himself.

Niall laid his head on Louis sleeping figure all he wanted to do was just cuddle Louis and never let him go he was afraid of everything except Louis. Niall let a year fall from his blue orbs wiping it away harshly Niall kissed Louis cheek watching as the elder lad slept peacefully Niall could only wonder how he could sleep so well during a time like this.

"You know Niall if ya take a picture it'll last longer." Louis mumbled, chuckling groggily.

"Sorry...." Niall trailed off, smiling sheepishly.

"It's ok Niall." Louis let a smile break out onto his face.

"Do you think she'll let us out soon?" Niall asked, biting his lip.

"Maybe, Niall for now just get some rest you haven't slept all night." Louis mumbled pulling Niall towards his body closely.

And they both drifted off to sleep.


It's not the best but it's basically just sorta a filler?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2013 ⏰

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