I remember you.

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I walked into the building to my new job, this was finally going to be the new start i needed.

Conference room 301. Room 301. 301. I kept reminding myself, i couldn't mess up this time, this was my last chance father said. I took the lift to go to the third floor, because God knows i am NOT walking up more than 3 flights of stairs. i went into the elevator when i suddenly saw a man in a dark suit rushing towards the doors.

"Hold it open." said the voice of the man running towards me.

So of course as any 'nice' person would do i wedged my hand between the doors before they closed, leaving my left hand with a whopping gash, but i tried to ignore it as i watched the tall man walk in, his aroma hitting my face he smelt like ceder wood and maple syrup, it was strange yet somewhat comforting? I was mesmerised by his golden brown eyes, and the way his dark hair fell onto his face and framed it perfectly, his chiseled jawline accentuated by his stubble and you can't forget the earring dangling off his right ear. He was handsome, that's for sure. He was so handsome that i didn't even realise i had been staring. Fuck. How do i stop staring now?

"You done staring princess?" his voice chimed in my ear.

Princess? Princess? who the fuck did this man think he was? I didn't even know how to reply to such cockiness.

"I wasn't even looking at you, i was, uhm, looking at that thing behind you." I told him fighting for an answer.

He turned around and chuckled whilst rubbing his beard with that cockiness again. 

"What? the plain wall darling?" He looked me directly in the eyes as he said so.

God I hated him. I hated him so damn much. Just another entitled hot man. Yet i latched onto every word that he had spoken. Fucking cunt. I just met him and i was already hoping we don't work on the same floor.

"Your hand. I'm sorry." The tall man said, yet his cockiness vanished and his face almost dropped completely when he saw the gash in my hand knowing he was the cause for it. He grabbed my hand with a gentleness that you would never expect, he then reached into his pocket and ripped open a single use antiseptic wipe with his teeth, whilst maintaining eye contact. Why was he so hot? He began to wipe the gash on my hand as i flinched from the tingle.

"Don't flinch, it's okay princess." His voice still glazed with sympathy, and maybe even sorrow, it was as if my pain caused him pain. I looked at him and nodded, he smiled in return, then he pulled out a single plaster out of the same pocket he took the wipe from, it was blue and had small cartoon flowers. I giggled. A man so dark and mysterious using plasters with flowers on them?

"Hey, they were the only ones i had okay?" he said "My name's Enzo, but most people around here call me 'Mr Ramirez' or 'Sir', you can call me anything though." he said, hmmmmm, Enzo was that Italian? with the Spanish surname too. "Michelle, Michelle Baudelaire, is my name, of course, i mean what else would it be?" Fuck. Why was i such a mess. Even he knew i was a mess as he chuckled at me once again.

Then suddenly the elevator stopped and the doors began to open, Enzo dropped my hand, as if he didn't want to be seen with  me. He gave me a nod, and began to walk out of the elevator. This was the third floor. The third fucking floor. The floor i worked on, meaning i had to see his stupidly handsome face everyday. When is it my turn to be happy God? I shamefully followed him out the door and began to walk to room 301, yet Enzo seemed to walk the same way, until we both stopped at a door, the door to room 301. I placed my hand on the door to push it open, but he did too and as he did our pinkies touched. I could feel the red flush my face. I moved my hand away quickly and let him open the door, and so he did. I went to sit at the chair with my name tag placed onto the table in-front of it. As i sat down i watched Enzo sit at the chair with no name tag. I mean, i knew he wanted to be mysterious but really, no name tag?

"Oh come on Enzo. Really? You think you're so special that you sit at a chair with no name tag!" i said as i burst out laughing in his face. The conference room fell silent. In that moment i knew i had slipped up, but how? It was just Enzo, the man i met in the elevator 5 minutes ago.

"Would you like to repeat that Miss Baudelaire?" he said with a stern look on his face, my whole body shuddered, this wasn't the man i had met in the elevator, this man was dangerous, a danger i had never felt before. I didn't say anything. "I think it would be better if we moved your seat next to mine for this meeting and others to come, just so i can keep a close eye on you Miss Baudelaire." he said as he pulled out a metal stand with his name carved into it, and the word 'boss' under it. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Enzo was my new boss. No he couldn't be. 

I sighed and moved my seat next to his. I am so  done with this man.

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