10; confuesed

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(of a person) unable to think clearly; bewildered.

Next Day

Nako stood in front of the school before letting out a deep breath, she needed to talk to Hitomi and maybe start their friendship again, and pretend nothing happened just like Yena said.

“Good morning, Nakochan!” Yena greeted as she almost tackled Nako to the ground by how much strength she put into putting her arm around Nako’s shoulder.

“Morning, Yena unnie!” Nako responded with a big grin. Yena was left bewildered, questioning why Nako was in a good mood.

“Do you have a fever because you’ve never called me unnie..” Yena asked worriedly as she placed her hand on Nako’s forehead, Nako moved her hand away from her forehead.

“I’m starting to think maybe I could start taking your advice,” Nako sighed, Yena was about to congratulate her but someone interrupted them.

Hitomi tapped Nako’s shoulder from behind, getting the attention from the two. “Hey, Nakochan..can we talk?” 

“This may be a start, say yes.” Yena whispered, Nako looked over at Hitomi before looking at Yena. She was so confident at first but she started to panic once she actually faced Hitomi.

“Say no”

“Sure, how about we meet after class!” Nako excited, Hitomi let out a smile as she didn’t expect the sudden mood change from the older one but she nodded before running along.

“Can you spy on me?” Nako asked once Hitomi was out of the sight, Yena looked at her, confused about the sudden question.

“What? Why?” Yena asked her, Nako let out a sigh even though she felt confident about restarting her friendship again she feels like she’ll do something she’ll regret later.

“If she asks me anything about me liking her I want you to break the moment before I say or do something stupid,” Nako explained, Yena gave her a nod in approval on the favor.

“Fine, I’ll be detective Choi with my beautiful assistant, detective Jo.”  Yena said, mocking an antagonist voice making Nako roll her eyes.

“You’re going to drag Yuri into this?” Asked Nako earning a firm nod from “detective” Choi. well it was expected, those two always do everything together.

“Yeah, I will, anyways I need to go to class see ya!” Yena said before running to her class, leaving Nako there to also start walking to her first class.


Last online 15 hrs ago

Nako sighed as she had the urge to text Minju if she was okay but she promised herself to text after her second class since she remembered she had to take a test on both classes.


“Did you hear Minju is being sent to the states?” Hitomi overheard some boys who sat behind her. Hitomi wanted to ask if it was true but just by the look on Chaewon’s face who stared blankly out the window maybe was the reason.

“Ssamu, is everything okay?” Hitomi asked worriedly, Chaewon looked at her before giving her an assuring nod.

“Yeah, I just feel tired, I didn't sleep much, I was talking to someone all night..” Chaewon explained, Hitomi was quick to assume that person could’ve been Minju but she didn’t want to assume.

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