Chapter 2: Family Tensions a& temporary entertainment

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As Julius entered the room, he noticed his father was missing and in his place instead was his mother and Edward. His chest twisted as he saw his mother smile at something Edward was talking about, neither of them even acknowledging Julius.

The butlers and maids seemed to have noticed him though, giving him slight bows and one even pulling a chair for Julius to sit on-- a chair that was obviously positioned where Julius wouldn't even be near his family.

'If they wanted to express their dislike to me, throwing my own lunch at my face would be better,' Julius thought as he waved the maid away and walked over to his mother and Edward, letting out a small cough to alert their attention to him.

His mother glanced at Julius, her face that was once smiling turning passive immediately. Edward was less subtle in his change, glaring at Julius and letting out an annoyed sigh.

"Good afternoon. Mother, brother" Julius bowed, scowling right back at Edward.

"Good afternoon, dear" His mother replied, the endearment falling short of any fond emotions it was supposed to carry. Julius grimaced, a cold feeling washing over him and any sort of anger was replaced with an awful feeling he could not describe.

"What do you want, Julius?" Edward leaned back on the elegant chair, cutting straight to the point. Julius fixed himself and glared at his brother in the eyes.

"Am I no longer allowed within the dining room to eat?" The younger prince in question snapped back. Edward frowned, obviously taking it as a challenge to answer back with something.

" Of course you are, Julius. It's just that you were injured and we are merely worried that you might be straining yourself." Their mother's soft voice cut through their tension like a blade. Julius glanced at his mother who was feigning worry-- she never truly cares for Julius like she cares for Edward, so he knows it's all fake --.

"I assure you, dearest mother. I am perfectly fine" Julius started, noticing how all the staff seemed to start to move away from them.(Julius was not blind, he knows what negativity his presence brings) "but if it bothers you that much, I will retire to room once more to rest."

(Julius is not cruel as he is horrible, he knows when to quit)

He turns on his heel and leaves; not to his room because he has been stuck there for god knows how long; but instead to the gardens. No one bothers to go there nowadays aside from the help.

Julius clenched his fists, nobody but his mother and him used to go there--

He willed the thoughts away, picking his pace up as he took a sharp left. He opened another set of doors that looked similar to the dining room's and Julius made sure to kick it close.

The garden was far too hot for his liking but he eventually settled under the shade of an old tree, laying his head back and closing his eyes. Perhaps a nap wouldn't be so bad, would it? It wasn't like anyone was looking for him anyways.

"So much negativity, your highness! You ought to be more positive." Haven's voice quickly broke through Julius' thought process.

Julius jerked up from his position but Haven quickly placed their hand on his shoulder and pushed him back down as gently as they could. They looked slightly guilty and sat beside Julius once the prince was sitting back down.

"Apologies, it was not my intention to scare you but you should really be more positive." Haven hummed, looking up at the leaves and branches of the trees as Julius stared at them in a mixture of curiosity and surprise.

Julius instead settles on leaning back at the tree, looking at the leaves as well. "A disappearing act and a mind-reading one? What's next? Will my body be found in a well without any trace of how or when?"

HIs companion snorted at the joke, rolling their eyes as they playfully bumped Julius' shoulder with their own. "Nothing of that sort, sir. Like I told you, I'm here to help" They turned to look at him.

"I'm here to prevent your death and help you change, Julius. It's a joint effort in this, you must also be willing to do what you must"

Julius glanced at Haven, their eyes seemed to hold the same playfulness but Julius could easily tell this was something serious. He frowned.

"If this is some kind of sick joke--" Julius started.

"It's not." Haven immediately cut through. "I wouldn't joke this to a royal who could easily have my head. " They bactrack with a joke, trying to lighten the mood a bit once more

They looked away, staring at the leaves.

"I'm surprised though. You seem to be taking this all in stride."

This time, it was Julius' turn to let out a snort. "You're the only one who hasn't been glaring at me all day so I'm willing to put up with you for at least the end of this day."

"If that's the case then" Haven looked at Julius right at his eyes and held their hand out to him, " Would you, Julius Elsher, let me have the honor of being your temporary entertainment--"

Their eyes crinkled in amusement as they continued with their speech.

"At least for the end of this day?"

Julius felt like he's been seeing that hand being held towards him too many times for a person he's just met this afternoon but he shakes it nonetheless.

"If you don't plan to kill me, I hereby allow it" He says in such a formal tone it causes Haven to laugh.

Julius settles on the fact that having a friend isn't so bad. Even if its only temporary and they eventually leave because Julius was too annoying-- too overbearing and controlling-- too--

"What school do you go through, Julius?" Haven asks.

"The only school this damn Kingdom has for nobles, Haven. Aeolla." He huffs at the ridiculous question but Haven seemed to be mulling it over before nodding. "Then-- I suppose I'll become a staff at Aeolla so we can see each other more and prevent your death!"

Julius allows himself to smile slightly as their determination. "Alright, you can try. Maybe if you do get a job there, you can become a friend. Officially."

That seemed to get Haven fired up, getting up and stretching. "I better start searching then, your highness! I assure you, the great magician Haven does not disappoint."

And before Julius knows it, Haven has disappeared, leaving a trail of smoke behind.

AN: I absolutely love writing Julius and Haven's interactions in this!  The chapters are planned already but I really want to write more this duo *sob*

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2021 ⏰

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