Chapter 4

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A/N: konnichiwa minna..i hope you would like this chapter hehehe enjoy reading!


Riku was currently standing infront of a certain house where natsusa live..the other day natsusa showed riku where he live and invited him to come at his house during the week end

Riku took a breath and was about to push the botton when suddenly the door infront him opened by a gray haired teen smiling widely at him

"Ri-chan! Im so glad that you have come today! Now come on in" natsusa said as he grabbed riku's arm before he could talk

Natsusa brought riku to the living room and make him sit at one of the couch

"Na-chan where's your guardian?" Riku ask

"In the work..but aunt would be back at night" natsusa said

"I see" riku mumbled

Riku look around the house and notice that the every corner of the house is almost like it's shining

"Na-chan the house is pretty and very clean!" Riku said and smiled

"Of course i spent my time cleaning the house so you can be comfortable so make yourself at home ok?" Natsusa said as he place a box of donuts and some drinks for them

"Wahh donuts!" Riku exclaimed in happiness and his eyes was sparkling while looking at the Donuts

"You can eat as much as you like" natsusa said and smiled

"Waahh really? Then i will have some" riku said and pick the strawberry flavored donut

As riku take a bite his eyes sparkled again "this is so delicious where did you buy this?!" Riku ask eagerly

"Ah i bake it..actually i have more time than i expected so i bake some" natsusa said and also take a bite at his donut

"E-ehh really? Na-chan can bake?!" Riku ask

"Mhm. I learned baking before since i like sweets too..unlike my brother" natsusa said

"Sometimes brothers don't have same preferences i think hehe..but na-chan is cooler in his own so you should just be yourself" riku stated

"Ri-chan..well either way i dont want to change myself too" natsusa said as he smiled

"What is your brother like na-chan?" Riku ask as he finishes up eating and clean his hands with the tissue

"Hmm? I don't remember much about him..but i think he's cool too many people said we really aren't alike because of our personalities but we really get along especially when it comes to music" natsusa said as he put the empty glasses in a tray to carry it in the kitchen

"Really? I love music to know when tenn-nii is still around he would sing and dance for me" riku said and smiled

"He seems like a good brother.,but why would someone like him leave you?" Natsusa said as he go to the kitchen and put the use glasses and other equipments that have been used while riku was tailing at him

"I don't know exactly too..but whatever the reason it is..i swear to find it out cause i know how kind tenn-nii is..he won't do it in just a pathetic reason" riku said

"You're so strong ri-chan.,i wish i could also be as strong as you" natsusa said as he lead riku back to the living room and sat back at the couch

"Ehh? Im not strong..if i am then my brother and parents won't suffer because of my health" riku mumbled

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