Riley Cassandra

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  • Dedicated to Aron Sky Mejia

Chapter Five: 

"Whoa! Laser tag!" A boy with blonde hair shouts as his mom drags him in line behind us. Oliver and I stand next to each other while Max  and Callum chuckle about a joke that I'm not in on. 

"Where's Colin and Aiden?" Oliver asked. His voice was sweet. I think about kiss and my face gets hot. 

"He said he isn't coming." I whispered. Oliver squeezed my hand. 

"Good, cause I don't want to lose you to him." I smiled. He did too. Max smiled. 

"I swear, you and her are perfect for each other." The line took a huge step forward. Callum turned around and nodded.

"Yeah, you guys should win a cute couple award or something." I giggle and Oliver stands in front of the little boy with the blonde hair. 

"Excuse you, can you get your ass out my face?" Max covers his mouth. Oliver turns to look at his mother. The blonde boy rolled his eyes. "Yeah, like she's gonna say something." 

"Get your son." Max said. Callum nodded. 

"Yeah, he's being a dick." 

The blonde boy's mother ignored us and her son. I rolled my eyes, Like today couldn't get more annoying. Aiden was with his grandmother. I tried calling him and he didn't even bother picking up. Sending me straight to voicemail. I don't understand. How do you kiss someone and then stop talking to them? KInd of a douche thing to do. They grab their vests and laser guns and head to the changing room. "Okay, so when we go out there... I want game faces on. Understand?" I nodded. Oliver and Callum high fived and looked at Max. Max groaned. "Oh, c'mon. I don't want to be paired up with your girlfriend." Oliver winks at me. I blush. "Callum, switch partners with me." Oliver held a finger up.

"Don't even try it, Callum is my partner for everything." Max groaned and I smiled. 

We jumped into a game of eight people. Callum and Oliver were still trying to get me out. Max had already got out. I was sitting behind a pole when someone came and sat down right by me. I look at him through my googles. "Go away, you're gonna get my friends to notice me." The boy chuckled. I turned and looked at him closely. "Oh God, Logan?" He chuckled. 

"Ethan is here too. What you doing hiding? You should be out there, kicking ass." I start laughing.

"And just where is your stupid blonde girlfriend?" Logan groaned. 

"Why does everyone call her that?" 

"Cause she's the biggest slut. I'm suprised you dated her. I thought it was bros before hoes." Someone falls to the ground and they get up watching each other's back. "Well, Ethan is my main bro and Abby already dated him." I start laughing.

"Yeah, that bitch got balls." I said, looking out for Max or Oliver to come out of nowhere and tag me. Logan grabbed my wrist and pulls me along.

"I think you and every girl is jealous of Abby." I roll my eyes.

"Totally, my fucking ass is cleaner than her vagina." Callum starts laughing.

I turn around and scream. He covers my mouth. "Girl, shut up, before you get caught. It's just you, me, Ethan, Oliver, and Logan." I playfully push him.

"Thought you and Oliver were partners in crime." Callum chuckles.

"Ya know, shit happens." Logan gets hit and falls to the floor. I scream as Max comes out, smiling big.

"Oh, your next baby girl." He teased and brought his laser gun to my chest. Oliver shot Max. Max looks down. He groaned. "Are you fucking serious?" Callum and I high fived. Oliver blew on his gun.

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