Chapter 2- Why does it have to be now!?

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As I turned toward the window with Eredecense in my arms, I couldn't believe what I saw. This was something that would change my life forever. Samores' was looking right at Kody and Eredecense.

"What is it Darius? I'm NOT looking toward the window"Adeline called out.

I said with a shaking voice" H-How about we,you know, hire the body guards back?"

Adeline turned toward the window in a flash and yelled out


Yup. Looks like our old adventure is coming again,eh?

Adeline and I turned toward the window again and Samores;' was gone.

"Thank Go-" Adeline said before we heard the creaking of the front door

We turned toward Samores' standing under the arch patiently."So,Darius, what's your excuse for having children with you?"

"Daddy? Why is the joker here?" Eredecnse called

"It no joker! It clown!" Kody screamed his lungs out

I put a smile on my face. Then I remembered that Samores' is here.

"Come here Eredecense and Kody, lets go somewhere fun!"Samores' said.

"No!" Adeline and I said together.

"I'm taking them awqay and thats finale!" As Samores' said those words, our kids were suddenly in his arms in a flash, and Samores' was gone.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2011 ⏰

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