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200930 : Jen's Daily Log

I have been put on a new project, under a new HR and I am going to dance till 2am to celebrate that.
I can't even explain to you what a bitch she was and now that she is going away I feel like I have got wings to fly. My days are getting better.

I still don't know his name but I swear I'm trying my best to strike a conversation, only if I had a bit more confidence. You know he is so charming that I feel like my tongue has grown 5 times heavier even when I think of saying something to him.

Aghh !

But I soo badly want to hear his raspy voice.
What do you think Lolo ? Will I ever be able to do that ?

Lolo to me : Fighting
(Haha. Yeah, I talked to myself on your behalf.) XD


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