Chapter one

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Thump thump thump her heart was hammering against her chest , air was running out in her lungs as she ran, ran for her life with a strong will to live. What was unsure to be sweat or rain trickled down her temple as her bare feet began to bleed and blister from all the stones and broken stick and nettles on the ground, her hair stuck to her face as her legs slowed down due to exhaustion, her head begging to keep running.

The storm got stronger as the hailstones were like ice cold bullets on her skin, panting heavily slumping her body against a tree as the lack of energy caught up with her, the sun set so the only view of light was from the stars and moon above, the rest of the forest was in pitch darkness, tears spilled out of her glossy ocean like eyes, her black hair completely drenched from the storm. A terrible chill made her shiver, she was so cold, freezing even, her whole body was in pain she shuddered as she caught a glimpse of her own wrists, red raw from that hell, she didn't know where she was going to go, or when she was going to continue her run to safety, all she knew was that she was to get away from him, the monster who started t all.

Drip Drip Drip rain drops dripped off the leaves from the tree's, her eyes shot open as the bright light from the sunrise shone in her face, a whimper left her lips and she felt the immediate pain from the cuts on her feet shoot up her leg, sighing shakily she gripped a tree branch, hoisting herself up in the process, almost screaming in pain as she stood on her feet as the pain became unbearable 'I have to run, I wont let him find me' with gritting teeth she held her breath while letting out a bunch of curses as she started taking small steps, trembling she held a hand up to her neck where the necklace was, the necklace that was gifted to her by the man she once loved. She was 15 when she first met him, he was only a year older as was the son of her parents well known friend who was known for his successful career, managing one of the worlds best known companies She was young and stupid, stupid enough to let her guard down, stupid enough to trust him.

May 7th 2015

His parents offered her father a job on her  15th birthday, being desperate for a job to pay the bills so her and her mother could keep a roof over their heads, he said yes. Remembering how he put on his reading glasses, his eyes skimmed through the papers before finally signing his signature, ever since then she saw him everyday, at one point her father earned enough money so that she was able to be an exchange student at one of the best private colleges schools in the country, the same school the devil himself studied at too.

At first it started with small conversation's and a quick "hello" or "how are you", "when are you having lunch?" as they passed each other in the corridors, until polite greetings turned into friendly conversations and friendly conversations turned into house visit and hanging out, both parents didn't seem to mind, in their eyes it was all perfectly normal. Parents who are friends and their kids was and 'is' a regular occurrence was it not? Until banters and friend gatherings turned into dates, dates turned into more interactions and ever more so a relationship formed between the two.

Being what people would refer to as "high school sweethearts" meant that everyone looked up to them as the dream couple, on many anniversaries he gave gifts and she gave him gifts as well as her love in return, but nothing is perfect nothing is a fairy tail. Little did everyone know, the relationship wasn't what it seemed to be. 

January 1st 2020

"where have you been?" a deep voice rumbled throughout the dark room, dimly lit by street lights coming through the windows "I-I'm sorry Damon, one of my co-workers were off sick, they needed somebody to fill in, work took a little longer than usual.. I'm sorry" I rushed out my sentence as  fast as I could, desperate for him to believe  me. His silhouette suddenly stood from the  chair he  was once sat one, his footsteps was all I could hear, seeing him move closer and closer until he was right in front of me, "your late" was all he said, he was calm, a deadly calm "I know, it wont happen again" I'm sure  he  could hear it by now, my  heart beating so fast I was sure it was going to beat out of my chest.

Every time I look up at him its not love I feel anymore, its  fear, a fear that is like an icy-cold  hand that holds  me hostage  in an iron grip that I can never escape from, The man I once adored is now the man I wish to run from. Grimacing every time he showed any form of redamancy, "I see, so I suppose work comes before us? before me?" the small amount of light that dimly  lit the room was now lighting his face, his piercing brown eyes, light brown wavy hair, highlighting his intimidating stare.

"n-no! I-"  Before being able to finish my sentence  he interrupted, stepping closer  to me, backing away my back hit  the  cold grey coloured wall, pictures of nothing more than old  memories of  what used to be, barely able  to even call it a  memory as it doesn't seem like one, not anymore as it seems so  far  that  can no longer think of it as nothing more than a fairy tail that  never  happened, no  fairy tails are  real.   

"for God's sake Eden just listen to me!" gripping my jaw harshly, forcing my eyes to meet his bitter cold hearted gaze "I will not hesitate to lock you up in this house if I have to, do not make me do it!" jaw clenching as his hold on my jaw got tighter "I-i understand" looking down as he finally freed me from his prison like hell, I used my cold hand to rub my jaw, attempting to stop any type of bruising that would  soon appear  "good, I'm glad we understand each other, now hurry up our food is  getting  cold" grinning at me, he motioned for me to follow him, forcing my now trembling legs to move, rushing to the dining table, sighing inn relief as the one  sided argument wasn't as bad as last time.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2021 ⏰

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