Friday October 13th - 7:00pm

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Friday, October 13th - 7:00pm

Dear Diary,

I am Stephanie Brown a local doctor. I have a loving husband and a child. I am 32 years old. Why am I writing this well I'm about to spend the night in a house that many people say is haunted. Am I afraid? Very. At the moment I am waiting for the owner who asked us to do this. Her name is Sally Donaldson. She was giving $150 to anyone who stays the night from the community. Anyways I'm freezing standing outside on a cold windy night. I'm getting chills of fear and chills from the cold. There's a full moon in the sky which is very bright. I have no clue what is going to happen. Finally a car pulled up Sally had arrived she was 10 minutes late.

-Stephanie Brown

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