𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 1 💖💖💖

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Jk pov
Kill him he betray us I hate when someone one betray me I have  anger issue when someone make me angry I make him living in hell i doesn't have parents cause they died 10 years ago because someone kill my parents that's why I became merciless I hate all girls except my noonas and my sister now I'm in my car cause I have to go my home i just return from paris and jk pov

Lisa pov
I was in my way to go to my office since I'm a ceo and i dont want to be late and this my outfit

And suddenly I receive a text from from our group chat  Savage: gusy do you have plans for today Chikin: noFoodse: just a photoshoot Maknae: no I'm just in my office Savage: Good let's go to club today Foodse: I'm in Chikin: me to Maknae:me three ...

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And suddenly I receive a text from from our group chat 
Savage: gusy do you have plans for today
Chikin: no
Foodse: just a photoshoot
Maknae: no I'm just in my office
Savage: Good let's go to club today
Foodse: I'm in
Chikin: me to
Maknae:me three
Savage: ok so let's meet at this club xxxxxx byee
Foodse: byee

Jk pov
Suddenly somi came to me and hugged to me and said oppa I miss you i miss you to somi and then somi and i have chit-chat and then she left for her college and I receive a text from tae
Tae: are you free look today
JK: yup hyung
Tae: Good meet at this club xxxxxx everyone is coming
JK: ok hyung

Time skip
Lisa pov i was just arrive in my mansion

Time skip Lisa pov i was just arrive in my mansion

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And then i go to my room for freshen up

My room Then I left for my shower I was done showering and then I look at my closet for what to wear today

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My room
Then I left for my shower
I was done showering and then I look at my closet for what to wear today

My room Then I left for my shower I was done showering and then I look at my closet for what to wear today

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And then I found a dress oh it's look good

Guys I'm going to upload next chapter soon byee

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Guys I'm going to upload next chapter soon byee

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2021 ⏰

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