Chapter 5

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Emily POV
Logan, Jessie and I were sitting in the canteen waiting for the boys. We saw some of them walking in our direction. They sat down with us and we all got chatting. I forgot how funny these boys are. Some of the boys left but the majority of the team were still with us in the canteen.

Tammy and Ben were walking down the corridor and both Logan and Rachel got extremely giddy. Ben gave Logan a hug and a kiss. Tammy was beaming when he saw Jessie. Gave her a long hug. I'm glad Jessie has found someone.

"Eww now I'm fifth wheeling." I joked. Jessie was now sat on Tammy's lap and Logan was still cuddled into Ben. "I'm joking. You guys are all such cute couples." I said. This caused Jessie and Tammy's smiles to get bigger, if that's even possible.

We had been here for a while. I didn't understand why we hadn't left yet.

"I think Mason is still out on the pitch. Emily do you want to go and get him otherwise he'll be out there forever." Ben suggested to me. "Wow that's dedication. Emily, I think you should go and get him." Jessie smiled. She gave me that 'go and get him look'. "Fine, I'll try and get him off." Ben told me where to go to get to the pitch.

I headed out and I finally found where I needed to be. I walked onto the pitch and there he was, running around with the ball without a care in the world. I could watch him play all day.

I felt a wave of confidence which I never get around a boy I like. I grabbed one of the footballs and started to dribble it near where Mason was. As I got nearer to the goal, Mason still didn't know I was there. I kicked the ball and it went in the goal.

Mason jumped and turned round to see me. "Okay that was impressive." He said, walking over to me. "I know." I said proudly. "What are you doing out here?" He asked. "The boys sent me out to get you off the pitch." I explained. "So you thought you would grab a ball and show me what you're made of?" He smirked, getting even closer to me.

I felt my heart race and the butterflies started to enter my stomach.

"I'm just glad I scored." I giggled. Mason wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in for a hug. "I'm glad you came out to see me." He whispered. I felt my cheeks burn.

I pulled away and saw that gorgeous smile of his.

"You looked a bit distracted today, it's not like the Mason Mount I know." I said, a bit concerned. Mason blushed slightly, knowing he wasn't at his best. "Maybe I saw something in the stands that I liked." He said so calmly. I gently pushed his shoulder. "Whatever." I said nervously. "Come on they're waiting for us." I said, quickly changing the subject.

Mason POV
I can't believe I said that to Emily. My feelings are getting stronger for her since the night we went to the club.

It sounds crazy liking your best friends sister, especially since she's his twin and me and Declan have been best friends since we were 6. I want to tell Declan that I want something more than a friendship with Emily but I can't lose him and I don't want things to be awkward.

What do I do?

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