My headcanons, plus disclamers

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⚠️photo does not belong to me I found it on Pinterest by Wattpad⚠️

⚠️While yes this fanfic is about Harry Potter characters and it's universe, however, I want to make it very clear I do not condone any of jk Rowling's behaviour. I hate her very very much, and I think of the fandom as having taken children from unfit parent, well most of the fandom anyway. ⚠️

This is my first time writing a story so it probably won't be great but this is just for fun so who cares! I honestly don't remember the books in a lot of detail, so if I mess up with the chronology or something else please tell me, if you want! I also can't show instead of tell in my writing so this story might feel a bit cardboard-ie if that makes sense? Anyways onto the headcanons!!

My headcanons:

- lesbian
- Has ADHD
- Drepression

- PoC (specifically black and Korean)
- Queer (likes all genders but doesn't know how to/ doesn't want to label herself)
- Autistic (undiagnosed)

- Plus sized
- Has reading glasses
- Demi-girl (but doesn't figure it out till later in life, and uses only she/her pronouns in this story)
- ace aro

- mixed (James is Indian and lily white and Hispanic)
- bisexual
- His scar getting larger over time (a lot of you will probably have seen the fanart of that)

- i headcanon her as black, not because jk Rowling said so, just cause I like the headcanon
- Autistic
- Demi-sexual

I don't really have any Ron headcanons but feel free to comment some

- trans (mtf)
- (About her kids i don't really know if I headcanon them as being adopted or their being a potion or spell that can give her the ability to give birth)
- Dated Luna for a bit (though in the long run I still ship her with Harry
- Pansexual

- asexual
- Greyromantic
- Agender but still uses she/ her pronouns
- Autistic, semi vocal
- I hc her as being Mexican and albino

- I headcanon him as being black
- Has severe anxiety (kinda canon)
- Him, Ginny, and Luna most definitely smoked pot together in the room of requirements at some point

- bisexual
- Artist
- (I don't really have many headcanons for him feel free to add in the comments)

- Gay
- Really likes pop music
- Has ADHD
- Has hearing aids cause the amount of times he exploded stuff gave him some hearing damage

I have a lot of other head canons of more characters, but they aren't essential to this story so I'll spare you.

Marauders headcanons (if i make a Marauders fanfic I'll put more of my headcanons)

- I hc James as being Indian
- I hc Sirius as Asian and gay
- I hc Remus as bisexual
- I hc Lilly as mixed white abs Hispanic
- I don't really have Peter hc but feel free to put some
- Arthur as autistic
- ( i have more but for the fact that this isn't about them I'll keep it short
- I hc the maurauders as alive TWT (this is a joke btw)

I won't put my cursed child headcanons cause I plan on making a fanfic and changing a lot so yeah ;)

Have a great day/ night! feel free to any headcanons you have in the comments!! <33
- Astérie (though I'll usually just sing off as té cause it's simpler, idk)

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