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Author's Pov

"Her phone is still switched off.. God where's she? ... " Taesa spoke placing her palm over her forehead and than rubbed it.

"Did you call her friends, colleagues or family members . Anywhere she could possibly be.. "

"I called every possible person Heaven from her friends to her colleagues and even went to the place where she worked but all of them said the same thing that they didn't get into contact with her today... "

Heaven's face tensed up hearing her words.

"And besides, Yana is a single mother and she has no family except Aiden and me because her mother died when she was very young and her father died when she was pregnant with Aiden .. And she didn't get into contact with any other of her family member after Aiden's birth.. So there's no way she could be with any of her family member.. " Taesa stated and than sat on the sofa of the Hall while burying her face in her palms

Heaven sighed and sat beside her and held her supportively.

"Don't worry Taesa, she must be alright.. "

"No Heaven... She's not because I can feel that something is wrong because something like this never happened before. I am with Yana from the past 10 years and now she's like my family and I know Yana would never leave and get vanished like this . She's a very mature and responsible person and Aiden is her everything.. She is not even able to live without him for a single day... "

A tear rolled down from her cheeks making Heaven's eyes to teary by watching her..

"Taesa please calm down . "

"How Heaven.. ?Knowing she must be in some kind of danger or much more worse thing and what will I answer that little kid when he is going to wake up and will ask me about his mother..? "

Heaven's eyes turned heavy with tears hearing her words but she sighed and spoke

"Fine than let's do something before something bad happens... Let's inform the police and file a missing report about Yana... They will find her soon.. "

Taesa gazed at Heaven for a while than bobbed her head.

"You're right..I called Chaekook he must be here any second than We will go to the police station "

Heaven nodded her head and stated

"Yes police will help us in.... "

"No.. There's no need for you both to get involved in this. "

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