[COLD] Chapter 9

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It's been two months since Chifuyu asked you out. It was fun but he have been coming over with a beat up face a lot more them usual and he been distant with you. You didn't like it so you wanted to ask him about it.

Y/n's POV:

"Hey Chifuyu?" "hm?" "why have you been so distant with me lately?" you ask patching up his face. "Sorry, I just been busy with Takemitchy lie and his stuff he's dealing with..." Leir!! "Well if there's anything you need ask me ok?" you say pecking his lips.

Why does the world hate you so much? A week ago you were walking to Chifuyu's house to say hi but when you got there you seen him making out with another girl. They looked so in love and it felt like he forgot about you. It hurt yes but you can't handle with that because there are other things you need to deal with.

You just found out you had stage 3 Beast Cancer. and you don't have long to live, You been trying to call Chifuyu to tell him about it but he never picked up. now a 3 months since you got diagnosed, and you have you have a week left to live and Chifuyu never came over to see you bc he was "busy".

you just had enough of the shitty life. You knew there will never be a happy ending for you. Well at least you will get to soo you father again.

Chifuyu's POV:

I never got to tell her I lost feeling for her. I just moved on to someone new, I kinda feel bad for her now. I wonder how she's doing right now...

5 minuets later..

"Hello?" he says hearing takemichy cry's. "I'm sorry Chifuyu but y/n has passed away and she wanted to say she's happy you found some one new. I don't think she told you but she was diagnosed with stage 3 Breast Cancer 3 months ago."

What? She had cancer? but she never told me?

See in a world of "love" and "happiness" it's hard to have that. In a world like this, never. maybe in the next one you will have a better life...

UGH I know this was a bad ending but I didn't know how to end it so I did a sad ending. HEHE 

But THANK YOU to all the people know voted and read my story!! I really appreciate that :) I hope you all have an amazing day!

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