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Sorry this one is short😕

"When are you guys going give some grandchildren" Mrs McIntyre asked sipping from her coffee cup, I shifted in my seat uncomfortably.

I could feel a set of eye's on me, "good question mommy, Kentrell when are we going to have a kid?" Taymor knew about my situation but yet he still pushed me about it.

"W-well we're trying at the moment Mrs McIntyre." I was nervous that Tay would fuck around and tell her like he told our ENTIRE friend group, which resulted into me getting made fun off 24/7. Not to mention the media, I was on the shade room for weeks getting made fun off, and
Paparazzi were constantly on my ass like white on rice. Every interview I had the situation was brought up, I was tired of it so I told my manager to decline my interviews until it died down.

Mrs McIntyre moved her focus from the old newspaper she was reading, raising her eyebrows up at me. "What do you mean trying? As in tay cant get pregnant or..."

"No, not at all we're just in the process-"My speech was cut off by tay running his mouth

"No mommy I can most definitely get pregnant, Kentrell just got some weak ass sperm" I was in shock at the vile words that came from his mouth, So was his mother.

"Taymor, why would you tell her that" I said frustrated with him and all he did was shrug. Meanwhile, Mrs McIntyre was wiping up the coffee she happened to spit out.

The room fell into a deep silence, when the older lady began speaking "oh honey i'm so sorry, I know it must be hard on you" She reached out to me connecting our hands.

"I-it's fine Mrs McIntyre, but I think it's best if we leave" I said blank with a expression on my face, Inside I wanted to breakdown.

Tay grabbed his things so did I, he said his goodbyes before walking out the door.


The ride home was silent, not a word was said. I made the decision to drop Taymor off at home before heading over to Cortlen's house.

"I'm sorry baby" he didn't mean it, like all the other times we had this conversation which ended up with Tay apologizing so we could make up. "It's fine Taymor, please stop talking about it."

"No trell I'm for real, I should've never put your business out there."I sighed and told him we'll talk when I get home. He looked at me questionable but shook it off nonetheless.

I made a sharp left turn down our block, I just wanted to avoid this conversation as much as possible.

Tay reached for the aux cord I assume the awkward silence was to much for him. "Fine by time" was played throughout my speakers

I didn't pull into the driveway as usual, I put my car in park waiting for Tay to remove himself from my vehicle. "Where are you going?, I thought you said we'd talk about it when we get home."

"I said we'll talk when I get home not when WE." Tay sighed reaching for my door handle, but came to a halt "Wait can I come? Ion wanna be here alone."

"No taymor. I don't want to be around you at the moment", I said frustrated with him. He got out the car without looking back.

I drove of before he made it in the house.

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