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The guys woke up to Darla cooking bacon and eggs. When they woke up they went to what they called a "control room" and talked about their name for the group

D: How would you guys wanna have a name?

L: That's a pretty good idea! I'm thinking "The fantastic 4"

M: First remember that we're more than five teammates

C: Yeah.

Carlos and Micah look at each other noticing that Josh left as he was just insulted. Micah and Carlos stood up but then Louise said that she would handle it so she did. She followed him in secret to his room. Louise saw that he was trying to face time his mom so after she saw it she knocked in the door and said:

L: You good?

J: Yeah.

L: Hey you can tell me.

J: It's just that I miss my sister and I just wanted to check up on them.

L: I know you miss them... You can ask Micah if he can call them from Darla cause it's a direct line to them.. What do you think?

J: You know that's a good idea, thanks

L: Sure

Louise leaves the room and goes back to the control room and tells the guys about Josh missing his family so that they would cheer him up when Darla said they were already at the Wind Castle, the weirdest thing happened. They got picked up by a tornado but not as dangerous as it sounds. The tornado literally raised up the whole ship where it standed and took it to a "parking lot" in the clouds!! They were so confused so when they were escorted out of the ship they asked the one escorting them:

M: Hey um excuse me, how did we get out here?

Random guy: Hi! My name is Mark! And to answer your question you were actually picked up by a tornado, that is our way of transportation. At least to get to the royal palace

M: That's great and all but can you explain to me HOW are you controlling a natural phenomenon?!?!

Mark: What do you mean?

M: It's just on Earth no human can understand how to stop or let alone "control" a natural phenomenon of nature!

Mark: Well we have a gift to control them, there is not much to explain.

M: Nice, and also do you think you can show us where the King and Queen are?

Mark: Sure, right this way...

When Mark showed the way to the castle they all got jackets to keep the cold out because the more they got up into the sky the more the cold wind was. When they got to the top of the sky they saw almost all of the ice and fire kingdoms. When they entered the castle the walls were made out of some kind of strong clouds and looked like some kind of cement. The throne room was full of clouds and the King and Queen were sitting in a beautiful silver bed of clouds as their thrones:

M: Your Majesty, I am Micah son of Erodes and these are my friends: Carlos, Josh and Louise and we are here for Erodes because we are forming an alliance for the evil out there, we were wondering if your son could join us.

King Zack: Greetings Micah, and friends. Let me call him so that he can show you around the castle and tell you about our heritage.

Queen Sara: Honey, remember me how do I call him in this device thing.

KZ: But of course, so look under here on the application of a green phone then look up Walker and call him.

QS: Thanks *over the phone* Hi honey!! Come to the throne room... Oh ok... nice, ok see you in here ok bye *ends call* He's on his way.

C: Your Majesty, may I ask, did your son make those improvements?

QS: Yes. He is a special case and likes to tinker with our phones and devices.

Walker: Hello, my name is Walker... Mother you called me here?

QS: Yes my son, these people want to know more about you, so show them around the castle.

W: Sure c'mon guys!

Giving the tour Micah noticed that all the rooms were fingerprinted and that the halls were protected by some kind of different cement that was in the front of the palace. So he whispered to Louise and said:

M: *whispering* Hey, did you see the rooms? Fingerprinted rooms!! So cool..

L: Yeah they're pretty sick.

J: *whispering back to Micah* I may have to ask him to put that cement in my door so that I don't get interrupted.

L: Right you and your siblings.

J: Yeah *laughs lightly*

When they got to his workshop there were two big doors with face print, fingerprint AND eye print!! So walker said:

W: The good thing about my job is the perks, and one of those perks are the "privacy"

When Walker opened the door there were robots, helicopters, scooters and all things tech you can ever imagine. He had phones, a bunch of computers, boxes full of pieces for work. The room was like a room you can use for training, but all the walls were stamped with different type of motivational posters about how tech can save the world He said this:

W: This is my workspace. The posters you see are from people on Earth that have inspired me. And yes I know Earth, I'm a big fan of Steve Jobs. I've invented almost all of my stuff with his example and guidance

M: But he's dead...

W: Oh I know, I look for books on the internet and just research.

M: Nice

L: So you've built all of this?

W: Some are broken and need fixing, some are that I created so yeah basically.

M: This awesome dude!

J: Yeah, I'm super impressed

W: Yeah well you should, I've been building everything that your father has in his castle and well it's not so bad if I do say so myself.

M: All of it?!?!

W: No!! But most of it.

L: So, do you have siblings?

W: I don't actually.

L: Really? Me either.

M: We have to know the answer from Walker. Can you come with us for the mission?

W: On one condition...

M: Sure buddy, what's up?

W: You give me my privacy. I want to have a room for when I have an idea to make it happen. If one thing that I appreciate and value is my privacy... What do you say?

M: You got it, as long as you share the bright ideas you get.

W: Perfect! I'll go get my stuff.

M: Can you actually not bring everything... You can bring the plans and essentials, we're not leaving Eros anytime soon so you can look for what you need when you need to.

W: Oh okay!

Walker hugged both of his parents and said that he'll come back someday and will never forget them. When they left, it didn't take long for Walker to feel welcomed in the ship. So they set course for The Underwater Kingdom.

Micah the SorcererWhere stories live. Discover now