Chapter 5 - Gone

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Midoriya's POV

The night I went to speak with Aizawa, he told me to go back to the dorms to get some sleep, and said he would explain everything during class tomorrow.

When going into the dormitory I decided to go in the back entrance, hoping no one would notice me. It was a success, but not like it mattered, I couldn't sleep anyway. I laid in bed for hours texting All Might and checking messages, before getting up and leaving with no reply.

"Hey Midoriya, are you okay?" Shoto stopped me outside, he's probably wondering why I just left last night.

Damn it, I feel like if I say a single word I'm going to break. I nod avoiding eye contact. Sometimes it's easy to keep it together until someone asks.

"Uraraka explained the situation. It must have been shocking, having him catch you the same way twice." There was a silence between us as I still refused to speak.

"I'll leave you alone if that's what you want, but you can always talk to me if you need to," he started walking into the building with one last glance back at me.

I decided to go to the school and wait in the classroom, it was about 15 minutes until class would start. When I walked in, I saw Bakugo. We were the only one's there, even Eraser wasn't present.

"Hey nerd, I wanna ask you something," his angry face turned into curiosity. "If hand face attacked you at the restaurant, why didn't your danger sense power activate?"

That's.. a good question. Why was I never warned about Shigaraki? "I don't know, maybe because it knew no one would get hurt," I whispered.

"No way, I'm pretty sure that's not how it works. Maybe he used one of his quirks to disable it, with all of those new flashy powers I wouldn't be surprised." Katsuki leaned back against his chair looking irritated.

I took a seat beside him and pulled out my phone. 'No new messages' I let out a sigh before the rest of the class came into the room. Shoto chose to sit at the desk on my other side, but I focused on the table and tried not to look at anyone.

"Alright class, before we get into today's lesson, there's something I have to say," Aizawa makes an entrance, and surprisingly not in his sleeping bag.

"So I believe you all know about All Might's trip to Minato. The thing is, Hawks, Endeavor, Gran Torino, Best Jeanist, and All Might went on a patrol searching for the hideout in which the nomu were created, but instead they found something else. They ran into a fire breathing nomu."

In that moment, I was really confused. A fire breathing nomu, where did the quirk come from? Sounds a lot like..

"It's said that he has the powers of a normal one plus another. I never saw what he looked like, but Endeavor said he was much bigger than usual. Apparently unlike many we've seen before, this nomu could think. The patrol was unable to kill it, but they did inform that it escaped.. with All Might. The symbol of peace is gone."

The entire room froze from fear. I stared blankly at the floor under the desk, tightly clenching my fists. Kacchan worriedly glanced over at me.

I kept my blank expression in order to stop myself from spilling. I pushed down on the desk and stood from my seat, quickly running out of the classroom.

I went outside and walked on the cement paths back to the dorms. What I didn't know is that Ochako was following me.

"Hey, Deku, wait up!" I ignored her and kept walking. She isn't safe when I'm around, Shigaraki could easily use her to get to me. "Why aren't you listening?"

I stopped walking but didn't turn around. For some reason I remembered Tomura's words in that moment. 'You're really willing to put her in danger like this? If you really cared about her, you would have kept your distance.' "Please, you have to stay away from me."

She came to a halt a few feet behind me. "Why, Deku? Why are you being like this?"

"What, trying to protect you?" I blurted, instantly regretting my words.

She seemed taken aback by my response, then looked upset. "I don't need you to protect me, I'm not a child."

I started walking again when she grabbed my arm. "Wait Deku, if you just talked to me-"

I pulled away and turned around, cutting her off of her sentence. "No Uraraka, you don't understand."

"If you'd just tell me then maybe I would!" She shouted, meeting my eyes. There were a few seconds on silence before I went on into the building.

"I can't."


I rolled onto my back looking up at the ceiling. It was the next morning before classes started and all I could think about was All Might and Ochako. Also, I should probably go apologize to her.

I slid my feet to the edge of the bed and stood up to get ready. Aizawa's probably going to strangle me with his scarf for leaving class yesterday.
I left my room and no one was in the dormitory. It seemed everyone left early.

When I arrived at the school, I walked in to the classroom to see everyone seated, but Uraraka and Eraser were gone. Everyone quietly stared up at me, but instead of turning away I looked back.
"I'm sorry about yesterday, for taking off and-"

I started to speak when Kirishima jumped up and cut me off. "Hey man, don't worry about it."

"Yeah, with everything that's going on right now, we don't blame you," Kaminari continued.

I got a glare from Ashido, so I'm guessing Ochako told her about yesterday, but I nodded and went to sit at my desk beside Kacchan.

"Hey Midoriya," Todoroki began, "about yesterday.." Suddenly a sharp stabbing sensation hit my head. I forced my hands to my head and almost fell over until Bakugo grabbed my arm.

"Uraraka.. outside!" I screeched, trying to stand. Katsuki's eyes widened as he realized what was going on.

"Damn it! That must mean your quirk is working," he shouted before running out the door. Everyone else must have figured it out to because they all followed after him.

I forced myself to get up, I have to ignore the discomfort. When I made it outside, I didn't see Ochako, but all of my other classmates and a few teachers were there looking shocked.
The sharp pain quickly faded away. "Kacchan, what happened?" I asked with fear. He turned around to face me and let out a growl.

"That stupid warp villain.. he took her!"

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Hey! Sorry for the shorter chapter this time, but I'm excited for chapter 6! Please leave a vote if you enjoyed, and I hope to see you in the next chapter.

Also I may start writing in first person more often, what do you guys think? Do you like first or third better?

Thanks for reading!

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