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Author's notes: This story was originally posted on my SGAtlantisLight Livejournal account. It was inspired by the picture here:

Rodney followed behind Teyla quietly, swinging the basket at his side, enjoying the warm breeze and how it stirred her hair and skirt, teasing him with glimpses of naked leg and back. Teyla had taught him the value of silence, the pleasure of listening to the soft sounds around him. He couldn't seem to do it in the presence of the others-- there was too much enjoyment in winding Ronon up and in the smirks and rolled eyes Sheppard gave him. But with Teyla, alone, it was different.

Perhaps sensing the direction of his thoughts, she glanced back over her shoulder and smiled at him, before continuing on, a little more sway to her hips, as if the play of light on her skin, the shift of muscle and sinew as she moved, and the scent of her weren't seductive enough.

She paused beneath a tree, gazing up into its branches. The leaves brought to mind the maples back home, slowly turning gold and orange and fiery red in the autumn. But instead of the winged seeds, these trees bore a pinkish-red fruit, which some genius had named plum-apples. Rodney preferred the Athosian word, malon. It was the right word, somehow. And it made Teyla smile that he used it.

"This one is good," she said.

Rodney nodded and set the basket down. "I still don't see what was wrong with the one back where we ate."

She picked a malon and turned to him, smiling, her eyes dancing with mischief. "Ronon and John were there."

He felt himself flush. "Oh. So this is, um..."

She took his hand and laid the malon in it. "Yes, it is."

"Oh. We didn't bring anything."

"No. We did not." She cupped his cheek, drawing his attention to her dark eyes. "Rodney? Is this not what you wanted?"

"I... Yes... I just didn't... Today?"

She considered his face for a long moment, then sighed. "I am sorry, Rodney. I should not have assumed."

"No! It's okay. I just didn't... You know, I thought it would be in our own bed after a nice dinner and everything. Not... Um... Not in the grass under a malon tree in broad daylight where Ronon or Sheppard or..."

She silenced him with a kiss. "It is all right. We will do as you say. It will be... romantic."

Rodney stood in misery as she turned back and began plucking more fruit from the tree, handing them to him to be placed in the basket. While she smiled gently at him as they worked, there was unhappiness in her eyes and a stiffness to her back.

He'd blown it again.

Their ideas of romance, of commitment, of relationship were so different sometimes. That they'd ever gotten together in the first place was a miracle. But still there was tension between them-- the unanswered question. He'd seen the glances her people gave her, the slide of their eyes to her still-flat belly. He'd seen the tiny lines of tension around her eyes, even as she smiled and laughed.

Life here was fast and hard. And he wasn't getting any younger, either.

She dropped the last of the fruit into the basket and smiled at him, curling her hand around his arm. "Come. We should return to the others."

"I'm sorry," he whispered.

She squeezed his arm gently and kissed him again. "It is fine. It does not matter."

She walked away, toward their picnic area. Unhappily, he picked up the basket and caught up to her. It did matter. He knew it did. But he just couldn't.

Ronon and Sheppard were both asleep when they arrived, Ronon's arm flung protectively across Sheppard's body, Sheppard's hair looking more tousled than usual.

Teyla stopped and smiled at their teammates, taking his hand. "Perhaps we should let them sleep more," she suggested in a whisper.

The last few weeks had been gruelling. They'd all needed this time away.

Ronon, ever vigilant, awoke at the sound of Teyla's voice. "Hey," he said, sitting up and stretching, cat-like.

Sheppard continued to drowse, secure with his team. Ronon's eyes were soft as he looked at their team leader.

"Have you rested well?" Teyla asked, settling on the grass by the picnic blanket.

"Yeah. Was good." He glanced at the basket in Rodney's hand. "Find many?"

"Yes. Enough for two pies, I think. I believe these will be exceptionally sweet."

Ronon smiled knowingly and glanced at the tree they were sitting under. "Sweeter than those? Let me try one."

"Rodney?" Teyla said, nodding at the blanket.

"Hm? Oh. Sure." Rodney knelt and held out the basket to Ronon, still lost in thought.

Sheppard stirred behind him. "Mhm. Must have fallen asleep."

"It is good for you to rest once in a while among the grass and trees and draw strength from the earth," Teyla answered, her eyes darting to Rodney's face and then away.

Dammit. It did matter. Rodney looked up to meet Teyla's gaze. "Did you want one, Teyla?"

There were those tiny lines around her eyes and mouth. "A small one. I would like a small one."

Rodney reached in and picked out a smallish malon and offered it to her. He swallowed hard. "Whatever you want."

She took the fruit, her fingers warm as they brushed his hand. Their eyes met. The tension slowly drained from her face as she studied him. Without looking at the basket, she said. "I believe we may need some more if we hope to have enough for two pies."

Rodney looked away, blushing, and nodded. "I think there's another basket in the puddlejumper." Rodney set the basket down and stood, offering his hand to Teyla.

"There's another blanket, too," Sheppard said. "You know... so you could spread it out under the tree and catch fruit in it by shaking the tree."

Ronon nodded. "Yeah."

Teyla smiled. "I had not thought of that. Thank you, John."

He turned to find Sheppard lounging back again, looking completely innocent of any suggestiveness. "You two have fun. Ronon and I will just... pick some fruit here. Right, Ronon?"

Ronon grinned. "Yeah. Sounds good."

Teyla's hand was warm and solid in his. Rodney smiled down at his teammates. "Well, um... Take your time."

"Yes," Teyla agreed. "It may be a while... before we can find another tree."

"Sure." Sheppard nodded, absently scratching at his belly through his shirt. "It's a nice day for picking fruit, don't you think?"

And Rodney and Teyla set off together, taking in the scents of that warm autumn day, her arm slipping around his waist, hoping to find fruit.

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