First Day in the Hero Course

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After the ceremony I went back home so I could rest. However, once I actually made it home things didn't exactly go the way I had intended. Once I entered the Mandalorian compound it was surprisingly quiet, too quiet in fact. I didn't see anyone when I walked in when usually there would be alot of people near the front. I then headed towards the back of the compound only to find no one along the way.

I then found myself right at the door leading to the back area. I leaned in to try to hear anything behind there, only hearing people telling each other to shut up or be quiet. A surprise party? Is this seriously what this is?

I opened the door and immediately saw every single Mandalorian apart of clan Kryze in there and every single one of them shouted, "Surprise!"

It was in fact not a surprise when I could see it coming from a mile away, but it was a nice gesture. Once I walked in I was met with cheer and a whole lot of excitement. If course I was told congratulations more times that I could count. Festivities ensued for the remainder of the day.

The next day two things had arrived for me in the mail. One was a letter from UA and the other thing that came in the mail caught the attention of all the other Mandalorians. It was a large and heavy box but what intrigued everyone else the most was its sender. The sender being Shae Vizla, otherwise known as Mandalore the Avenger.

When Bo-Katan came around she shooed all the other Mandalorians away so I could have my privacy and so they could get back to training or performing whatever duties they had at the time. She stayed around for me to open the letter from UA. It was a letter from the principal stating that my performance in the Sports Festival far exceeded his expectations, so much that he decided to remove someone from UA's Hero Course so that I could have their old spot. She seemed really happy and proud of me upon hearing these results but left so I could open the package from Mandalore in private.

I grabbed a knife and began cutting it open. The first thing that I saw were two smaller boxes, one of which was much heavier than the other. I opened the smaller box which revealed a set of thermal detonators as well as wrist mounted missles. I then grabbed the other box and opened that one up. I took out whatever was in it and began unwrapping the bubble wrap it was in. I grinned underneath my helmet once I saw what it was. It was a silver jetpack, one of the highest quality.

My attention then turned to the other thing in the box

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My attention then turned to the other thing in the box. Despite pulling the other things out, the box was still pretty heavy. I opened it and it revealed a suit of armor comprised of 7 silver pieces. I felt the armor and quickly recognized it as Beskar, a major upgrade from my brown Durasteel armor. I quickly put it on and saw how it looked really good on me.

 I quickly put it on and saw how it looked really good on me

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At the bottom of the box there was a handwritten note.

It read, "Hey kid, I that we've never met before and I look forward to it when the time comes. Myself and the rest of clan Vizla watched you on the Sports Festival, we were deeply impressed by it and the way your mission's been going. There were alot of doubters out there when they heard someone quirkless was competing, but you definitely proved them wrong. So please accept these gifts from myself and the rest of clan Vizla, a set of newly forged pure Beskar armor as well as two other toys." At the bottom there was a signature, "Shae Vizla, Mandalore the Avenger."


It was now Monday, my first day of being a UA student with my actual Mandalorian helmet and as a student in the Hero Course. I was told to come earlier than usual so I could meet with the principal and my new homeroom teacher as well as getting the full details regarding my transfer into the Hero Course.

I headed to UA and went directly to Principal Nezu's office. Once I was there I knocked on the door and was quickly let inside.

"Ah yes, M/n, please come inside," the principal greeted from his chair. In front of him was a man with long black hair in a chair, I recognized him from when I first met with Nezu. "This right here is your new homeroom teacher, class 1A's Mr. Aizawa. And once again, congratulations on this incredible achievement."

The man in the chair, now known as Aizawa, extended his hand so I shook it then sat next to him.

"I'm Shouta Aizawa, your new instructor in the Hero Course. Upon your 2nd place victory at the Sports Festival, myself, Principal Nezu, and the rest of the UA staff recognized that it would be a mistake to not have you in the Hero Course. We had our discussion about is there anyone in the Hero Course not so deserving of their spot. We decided on someone from my roster and had them removed in favor of you. Now, come with me."

The two of us walked to class 1A's room while coming across a few students since it was still rather early to be there.
Eventually we made it to the classroom only to find it empty. He then led me to one seat in particular and told me that that's where the person used to sit, so this will be my official seat. Afterwards, he left due to him having to do some other errands.

And so, it was just me in this empty classroom for some time. That was until one student walked in. He was tall with dark blue hair and glasses. To me he seemed a bit familiar but I quickly remembered him from the ceremony, he had won third place.

Immediately he took notice of me and began walking towards me, "Oh you're The Mandalorian, Djarin Kryze was it? I'm Tenya Iida it's a pleasure to meet, an excellent performance at the festival I might add," he exclaimed while extending his hand out.

I shook it saying, "it's nice to meet you too. You could call me by my first name, M/n. You did pretty good out there yourself too."

He nodded in understanding, "well I understand that you may want to keep to yourself these first few days, so I'll get back to my seat."

Then he walked to his seat which was in the same row as me but the opposite end of it. Afterwards, a few more students showed up until the whole class filled up. Most of them noticed me and talked about me being here. While others talked about the recent festival.

Just then Mr. Aizawa entered the classroom and gathered their attention, "I'm sure most of you all have noticed by now that Mineta is no longer with us, instead he's been officially replaced by M/n due to his high performance in the Sports Festival."

After that announcement he began talking about how that there's a draft for students to choose which hero agencies they'd like to intern for.
He then went on to say how certain hero agencies have specifically offered internship spots to select individuals.

"Despite some of you not being specifically requested, you will all be interning at an agency this week, now my next announcement is that today we'll be discussing hero informatics."

Some students began to complain to others as they thought it'd be some sort of surprise test, but it wasn't.

"By hero informatics, I'm talking about codenames. Today you will be choosing your hero names. Choose wisely, these names should reflect what kind of hero you want to be. Midnight will be the one to decide if she approves of these names. In the meantime I'll just take a nap."

Midnight then walked in a gave a brief lecture on the importance of your hero name. Afterwards she had people come up with their hero names and present them before the class. At first people were shy and some of their ideas were rejected. Eventually people started coming up with more acceptable hero names.

I didn't put much thought into it and decided that I'll just go with what people have already been calling me these past few month. On the dry erase board I wrote down 'The Mandalorian' and presented that name. To which I was met with positive reactions.

At the end of the day I reviewed my choices for who I would intern with. I then made my decision on interning with Endeavor and had it submitted.

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