Hero (of some kind)

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~??? POV~

"The Great Captain America."

Steve gasped as another kick sent him flying across the room. His body was mangled, bruised and bloodied. Several long cuts could be seen as well as bruises.


"My team will find-"

"Find you?" it said, stepping forward, "No. Captain, no they won't. They don't even know you're missing." It pulled out it's (already) bloody knife, "And they won't know that you died."

And then Nehena was there- Dark green magic pouring out from her hands, with a look of pure hatred on her face. "Hi there, sugar." She took one, menacing step forward. "Shoo."

It didn't move.

"I SAID GET AWAY FROM HIM." And he sent a giant blast of magic at -'s face, letting all of her pain leave her and slip into it.

As he curled forward, Nehena rushed over to the bruised and bloody Steve Rogers.

She checked his pulse. Alive.

"I got you, Captain. I got you." She then picked him up, holding his limp, barely breathing body close while she teleported away, disappearing in a cloud of green light.

~Nehena POV~

 I crashed my lips into his, running my hand through his thick, blonde hair. Now, there's no one keeping us apart. No more chains. Red on green on black on white-

I gag. This is repulsive. Repulsive, and strangely interesting. A flicker of movement makes me look up. Captain Crunch is awake. "Don't strain yourself, Captain."

"Nehena? What are you doing here?" Steve asked, attempting to get up.

I sigh, and set the iPad down. "Keeping watch over you like an angry harpy," I say, counting on my fingers, "Scowling at anything and everything. And over all reading about my father fucking my uncle."

"Your- wha? Are you joking?"

I take that as an invitation to read aloud where I left off, "The insides of my knees found the bed, willing me lay down. Finally, we broke apart and Thor whispered to me, 'I want-'

"But I cut him off with mor-"

"Oh, God, stop already!"

I look up, "Please don't talk about any of my family members when I'm reading about them."

Something dawns on him. "What? Where am I?"

"Uh- in my secret hideout that you could never find?" I tilted my head, "Also, you're welcome?"

And Captain America, the Unbreakable Super Solider looks down to see all the bandages and stitches that I gave him.

"You don't feel any pain right now cause I took all of it away." I explained, reading his confusion.


He was about to get up when I teleported over and shoved him back down. "No. You are going to stay in the bed, and if I have to knock you out again to make sure that you do, then I will. And Gods help you if I have to leave you unconscious until you are fully healed."

"I'm fine-"

"You've broken your leg, several ribs and you've got a punctured lung, a buncha bruises and a minor concussion." I interrupt, "You might be strong, but you are still a mortal and you aren't invincible."

He sighs in defeat. "Fine."

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