Chapter One: Home Sweet Home

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Ailyn's POV

I woke up to the sound of tapping on my window. I look over and see a familiar owl and Lily, who was my own. The other owl, one that was familiar, belonged to the Malfoy's. Lily had brought me a returned letter from Fred and George. The one from the Weasley twins had both me and Amelia's name on it, so I get up from my bed and walk across my room to wake her. We live in an orphanage with these little apartment like rooms for all the kids. Amelia and I were brought here on the same day, soon after we were born. We've been best friends since we were in diapers.

"Mel, we got a letter." I inform her, shaking her awake.

"Better not be from that Malfoy git." She retorts groggily.

I roll my eyes at her remark and handed her the letter. Amelia was placed into Gryffindor along with most of my other friends. None of my friends seemed to understand why I was so close with Draco, but it wasn't something I was interested in sharing.

"You can read the one from Fred and George." I say, getting up and putting the letter on her bed. I walk back over to my bed and open Draco's letter.

Dear Lynnie,
I hope you've had a nice break even being cooped up in that small room of yours. I thought about sending you a book for your birthday, but I didn't want to get you one you've already read so I decided against it. However, my father got tickets to the World Cup and told me I could invite a friend, and who better to bring then you. I know you're not the biggest fan of quidditch but we'd sit in the same box as the minister of magic, since father works so closely with him at the ministry. And, its an opportunity to spend time with you. If you end up wanting to go, father will send one of the house elves to retrieve you and your belongings and you can stay at the manor until we return to Hogwarts. Just send an owl back and pack your things. If you don't want to come that's fine, I just want an excuse to see you.

Love, Draco x

I couldn't help but smile at the kindness in his words. On the outside Draco is this cold, self absorbed prick when on the inside he's a really sweet guy. We connected in our first year at Hogwarts since we were both nervous and sorted in the same house. He had issues going on with his parents and I'd always be there for him when he needed, and he the same for me. We flirt sometimes but liking him isn't an option. We're too good of friends to ruin it with that despite whatever feelings I have for him. My thoughts are pushed to the back of my head when Amelia calls my name and waves me over to her bed.

"They invited us to the World Cup! Harry too!" She exclaimed and my face fell at the mention of my brother. I wanted to go with Draco, but I knew Amelia would get mad at me as soon as I told her. "They're coming to get us tonight to take us to the burrow before, so hurry and pack!"

"Mel, I don't think I'm gonna go." I muttered.

"What?" She pauses. "Why?"

"Draco invited me to-"

"Wow, fine." She aggressively packs up her close in her trunk. "No need to explain your little romance with Malfoy, save the details."

"It's not like that and you know it, Mel. He invited me to the cup so I'll see you guys there. I don't get to see him as often as I'd like because everyone hates him." I try to reason with her and calm her down. What's with Gryffindor's and their short tempers?

"For good reason!" She retorts. "He's a-" Amelia stops herself realizing she didn't think before she spoke.

"He's what? A Slytherin? Well so am I Mel, and I'm not ashamed of it so stuff it." I shot back.

"Sorry Lyn, I didn't mean to come off like that." She put her hand on my shoulder sympathetically. "Go write Malfoy back, I'll tell everyone they'll see you at the cup."

"Thank you." She smiles and walks back to her side of the room to finish packing. I sit down at my tiny desk and take out a piece of parchment and my quill from the loose floorboard.

I'd love to hang out with you and go to the World Cup. Just know at the cup I'm gonna have to break off to go see my brother and the Weasleys. I know you hate them but please save the insults because you know I hate it when you call them names. I better start packing and I'll see you soon.

Love, Lynnie xx

I gave folded the parchment and gave it to the owl. The owl ruffled its feathers before taking off out into the sunrise. I slowly pull out my trunk and get my things together. Amelia and I went to Diagon Alley as soon as we got our supply lists so we already had our school things. I tried to get everything as neatly packed as I could, wanting to impress the Malfoy's with my organization. Only Amelia, Harry, Hermione, and the Weasleys knew who I really was. I wanted to tell Draco, but Lupin gave me strict orders not to because he doesn't fully trust the Malfoy's which I understand. The Malfoy's were known to be death eaters before Voldemort disappeared and Lucius managed to convince the ministry that he was acting under the imperious curse. However I don't think Draco is anything like his father. I get up and take a muggle book off of the orphanages bookshelf and sit back on my bed awaiting whoever was coming to get me. After a few hours Amelia came over and told me goodbye and I hugged her.

"I'll see you soon, Mel. Send my love to Harry and them." I smile. She nods and walks to the fireplace.

"The burrow!" She yells, throwing floo powder on the ground. I watch her spin momentarily before disappearing in a cloud of smoke.

I go back to my book, slowly dozing off until I hear a loud crack. I open my eyes and see a house elf next to my bed.

"Miss Potter! Mister Malfoy ordered me to bring you back to the manor when you're ready." She tells me with a smile.

"You can call me Lyn. What's your name?" I ask.

"Oh! My apologies, Miss Lyn. My name is Lyla." She smiles once again. I return her smile and clean up around me as she looks around and helps. I grab my stuff and tidy up my hair.

"Shall we?" I ask her. She nods and reaches her hand out for me to grab.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2022 ⏰

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