After the debate

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It was about 5 minutes after Biden and Trumps debate, also after Trump invited Biden to his secret room he bought in the back of their debate office. As they walked together towards the room, Trumps ever growing erection started becoming visible.

Biden's POV

I was about to ask Trump where we were going until I looked over and saw his huge penis. I was immediately turned on, feeling a heat alight in my stomach. The feeling of my penis elevating was overwhelming, I need Trump.

No ones POV

Trump opened the door at the end of the hallway, locking it behind them. As soon as trump locked the door, Biden slammed trumps short, orange, plump body against the mirror. Trump felt Bidens big, fat cock flatten against Trumps back. Clearly turned on, Biden yanks Trumps pants down, revealing his extremely hardened cock. Trump gasped in shock, but didnt move or try to escape but instead got even more turned on. Biden saw Trumps reaction and decided to speed things up, he pulled off his own pants, followed by his underwear, and shoved his rock hard cock so far up Trumps anus, it was visible through his gorgeous, tangerine skin. Trumps moans filled the air as Biden pumped harder in and out of Trump. Suddenly, a stream of yellow liquid flowed into the air. A bright red flushed Trumps face as he realised what had happened, but Bidens face formed a malicious grin. As Biden leaned forward, still pumping, he let the warm, salty liquid fall gently into his mouth. Savouring all Trumps delicious piss, he gripped Trumps lanky penis and started shaking it.

Suddenly, trumps while body shook and white semen flew into the air, directly into Bidens mouth, causing him to moan loudly. Suddenly, biden started shaking Trumps penis faster and faster until he couldn't take it anymore. Biden traced his hands slowly over Trumps face, moving downwards towards Trumps neck, then tightening his grip, Biden snapped Trumps neck. Followed by a swift moving down below. Biden had ripped Trumps now soft, limp penis off of his body.
"This will go perfectly with my collection." Biden said before pulling his penis out of Trump, along with the rest of his organs. Trump fell to the ground, as the only support he had was now gone. Proud of his work, Biden grabbed Trumps dead body and threw it into the shower, he stuffed all his organs down the drain.
Then he turned on the shower, cleaned off the blood and escaped out the window, off to his next debate.

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