Your Horny Meal

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McDonalds strolled blissfully down the street, on his way to the shop when a young child ran into his strong, muscular build. He barely felt the tiny pressure press up against his broad, rock-hard back. He turned to find a young girl with golden blonde pigtails, still swishing from the impact. She looked dumbfounded up at McDonalds before a soft, shy apology escaped her mouth. Tears began to brim at the ducts of her eyes before a much smaller toddler clasped her arm and tugged, babbling incoherent noises. The small child wore a vibrant blue harness while the lead lay astray behind them, underneath the harness however was denim overalls and a white t-shirt spotted with dinosaurs and sporting a large stain. The youngest's outfit widely contrasted the older girls', with her pink dress and black boots, along with plain white stockings, scuffed with brown dirt.

McDonalds was always a very observant young man, taking in every little detail he could before it all moved past him.
A woman. No older than 16 approached the young children, grasping the toddlers lead and the females bicep, scolding them for running off. McDonalds had never seen such a beautiful woman in his entire life. Not even his wife of 8 years.

"I am so sorry about them. They think it's funny to run off evey chance they get-" She spoke while facing the youngest child, fitting the handle of the lead to her wrist. The end of her apologetic speech was cut off however, as she looked up to see McDonalds' buff structure. She took in his prominant calfs, bulging out the neon green knee-high he wore, then his hard thighs which he showed off with tightly fitted purple/cyan cycling shorts that suction cupped his ass cheeks like it was their job. She then gawker at his bulging abs, stretching 20cm further out than the rest of his stomach, however this detail went unnoticed as his pecs grew out at least 30cm. His chest and stomach were on show to the world by his short crop top, that only covered his shoulders as he refused to go around like a little bitch.

He wouldn't dare show his knees or his shoulders to the world incase he walked past children, what kind of person would he be if he was teaching them to look at those. It was sexually distracting.

However his biceps were a different story. His arms sparkled in the high sun, as his toned muscles flexed with every atom that moved along his body. His hands were twice the size of the normal human hand, McDonalds never misses hand day at the gym. Never. His neck muscles tensed under the woman's strong gaze, as it moved further upwards towards his chin. His chin was dented in at the middle, and stretched out at the ends. His jaw was prominent, as he over exerted his jaw bones to get the perfect shape. His cheeks were sucked in and his nose was large. His eyes were dark and deep. Brown like shit and mesmerising like a shit tank. His eyebrows were naturally furrowed, which gave his forehead a nice crease. His head was shiny and almost bald. But not entirely. He proudly sported 3 strands of white hair that he regularly shampooed and conditioned.

Overall, McDonalds was looking excellent for his petite age of 34.
"I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I'm Burgerk-k-k-k-k-king." Speaking of petite things, Burgerking cutely stuttered out her introduction to McDonalds, so engulfed in his amazing sight she let her children go and they ran off. Effectively, McDonalds clasped her hand and kissed it. She promptly fainted, her knees buckling and her unoccupied hand reaching her forehead. Her golden curtain bangs graciously falling off her forehead, instead hanging in the wind. McDonalds' quick reflexes caught her, holding her bridal style. Burgerking's eyes opened. Their eyes met. Vegetable soup green and shit brown. Swirling together with a new lust. The two children now far forgotten.
McDonalds used his large legs to speed them to a nearby hotel, 16 countries away. They were too quick for anyone to notice them, do they didn't need to check in. McDonalds rushed them both to the closes room, throwing Burgerking roughly onto the bed. He was so strong the bed broke and Burgerking's petite form nearly broke. But her lust and need for McDonalds was too strong for science. So she got up from the wreckage and layed on the couch instead.

McDonalds made quick work to violently rip off both their clothing, his muscular biceps and triceps flexing and tensing freely.

Burgerking's first orgasm came solely from watching McDonalds' muscles.

"God I love these McChicken Strips"

McDonalds grabbed her legs, snapping them off, and shoved them into her wide pussy.

Her second orgasm.

Then he threw her legs across the room and placed his little finger delicately onto her clit.

Her third orgasm. (Sprayed the room, painting it white).

"Spray me with your McMayonnaise"

He sucked her breasts clean off, swallowing them both whole.

"Give me those McNuggets"

Her fourth orgasm.

By now the couch was coated in a pink, sticky, runny substance. A mix of Burgerking's orgasmic fluid and blood.

McDonalds then slammed his 18f staff into Burgerking, with only the tip in, it came out of her mouth and sprayed a fountain of semen all over the both of them.

The door slammed open.

There stood Diego, Dora and Caillou.

They joined in.

Dora sat on Burgerking's face/McDonalds' ruler.
Caillou's 33inch rod inside McDonalds' rear end.
Diego's 880cm shlong in Caillou's wet mouth.

Burgerking passed out from over-stimulation, then dies from blood loss. However before she went, 5 words left her mouth.
"I'm your Horny Meal, McDonalds."

Dora died from penetrative reasons. (McDonalds' stick popped her ovary and she died of internal bleeding).

Diego died of blood loss after Caillou accidently bit off his freckled width.

Caillou died of pleasure from feeling McDonalds' cheek muscles on his southern side.

McDonalds was then arrested for pedophilia and murder, and then died in prison from an STD after having intercourse with everything in his jail building.

The End~~~

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2022 ⏰

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