TAEYONG - When you stuck in the elevator with a Mafia

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"Y/n-ahh!! Faster we have to restock before the customers ask for it!!" your brother, Sungwoon yelled and you sighed loudly.

"CAN'T YOU WAIT YOU IMPATIENT PIG! THESE ARE HEAVY AS FUCK" you shouted carrying the boxes by yourselves to send it to the stores.

"Yah yah I left the stocks files in my car.You didn't remind me again?!" he yelled and you scoffed.

"Bitch listen to me.FIRSTLY!!! I'm a girl!!! A fucking woman?! I shouldn't be the one that carrying these heavy boxes!!!" he was about to speak when you continued.

"SECONDLY!!! I am not your fucking reminder alarm!!! Don't expect to me be one at all when you're the one that can't organize yourselves!!" you snapped at his face and he rolled his eyes.

"Go take it or go away" Sungwoon threatened and you growled before stomping to his car.You took the lift to go to the rooftop car park as people also use the lift from each level.

You were waiting it to reach your level when a man in suit walked into the lift making you scooted to the corner.

Luckily the lift was bigger than the usual ones because it's the main lift in the mall.It even have the golden door.

Suddenly the lift stopped and bounced a little and the lights went off."ARGH!!" you shouted and he turned to you.

"Are you okay?" you looked up and saw the man was pointing the flashlights towards you."U-Uh I'm fine but t-the lights" you covered your eyes and he pulled away.

He pushed the buttons and the speaker turned on."Yes what can I help you?" the operator said and he held the yellow mic button.

"The lift is stuck could you please send the help?" he said."Sure sir.Could you please tell the code of the lift.You can find it on the top of the screen" he looked at the screen on his left.

"NCT127" he replied."Thank you sir.Are you alone there?" they asked again."No there's someone else with me.A teenage girl" he said eyeing you who was biting your nails nervously.

"I see.We'll send the help right away please stay calm and we're sorry that this happened to you" He mumbled a thanks and the speaker turned off.

"The help will come so don't be nervous" he said sitting down at the corner as you joined him, feeling tired of standing too long.

"What's your name?" he asked."Uh Y/n?" he nodded with a smile but it can't even be seen because it was dark in there.

"I'm Taeyong" he said and you widened your eyes."T-The mafia?!" he hummed and you quickly pushed yourself to the corner.

"Yah yah I don't kill innocent people.Besides I don't have weapons with me right now" he said trying to calm you down.

"I'm a human too so no need to be scared" he continued.Taeyong took out his phone and played with it.You can see his face as the brightness light up on his face.


You took out your phone too and tried to call Sungwoon but there was no line."AISH!!" you groaned and looked at your phone.

Plus it only have 10% battery.Because Sungwoon pulled off your charger to charge his phone instead.

What a bastard.

Suddenly it moved down and stopped again."H-Huh what happened?!" you panicked while Taeyong were looking at you weirdly.

"DON'T LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT DO SOMETHING PLEASE!!" you cried as he sighed and pushed the button twice to call the operator again.

"Excuse me?" he called but nothing replied him.He tried again but same thing happened."It broke I guess" he mumbled and looked at you who was crying.

"Yah yah don't cry we'll be safe" he said but you just shook your head as the panic attack slowly rising in your body.

You felt the oxygen was disappearing and you had a hard time breathing.

"Are you alright?!" Taeyong held your shoulders trying to calm you down but you just breathed in and out rapidly.

"Look at me" he said but your eyes only can move to your trembling hands."Y/n look at me!" he raised his voice and you quickly looked at him with tears in your eyes.

"We'll be fine.I promise you we'll get out from here okay?" he said calmly and you hugged him.

"Please I don't want to die here" you cried and he patted your head gently."Shh it'll be fine" he calmed you down and that was when the roof of the lift opened.

"BOSS!! GET OUT!!" it was Taeyong's gangs.They took off the square piece of the roof and one of them jumped into the lift making it dropped a little.

"AHH!!" you shouted panicking more than you were."What happened?!" Taeyong asked the panting guys.

"O-Our enemies.They planned to bomb this place because you're here.This lift is intentionally broke by them when they knew you were inside" he panted.

"Motherfuckers.Whatever let's get out from here first" Taeyong said and went to you who was crying your heart out in terrified.

"Y/n let's get out" he gently pulled your wrist and his gang helped you to climbed up to the roof meeting his other gangs at the big hole that meets the mall again.

They escaped from them and you were about to find Sungwoon when Taeyong stopped you.

"No Y/n we're in danger now let's run!!" he yelled."NO I HAVE TO FIND MY BROTHER!!" you cried and he looked at his gang.

"What does he looks like and what is he wearing?!" you bit your lips."H-He have brown hair, h-he is shorter than you.He wears black hoodie with red tshirt like mine and ripped jeans" you explained.

"Got that?" Taeyong asked his gangs who were transferring the information to their guards that guarding around the mall.They nodded at Taeyong's question.

"Don't worry my men will find him but now we have to find a safer place okay?" he tried to persuade you and you nodded running out from the mall with them.

In a few minutes, the mall exploded into fire burning the mall."NO NO SUNGWOON!!" you shouted wanting to run back into the mall to find him.

"No Y/n it's dangerous!!" Taeyong pulled you back but you just cried out for your brother when you heard someone calling you.

"Y/n-ah I'm here" you turned to your right and saw Sungwoon with Taeyong's men behind him."Sungwoon!" you ran to him hugging him tightly.

"A-Are you okay?! Y-You're not hurt are you?!" you cried scanning him up and down."No no I'm fine" he said and you sighed a little.

You turned to Taeyong and smiled at him."Thank you so much Taeyong-shi" you hugged him and kissed his cheek.

"O-Oh huh y-you're welcome" Taeyong blushed madly."Thank you Mr Taeyong for saving our lives" Sungwoon joined and he smiled at them.

"I'm just helping.I can't leave this pretty in danger after all" He suddenly flirted making you blushed.

"Ay ay did you both fall in love with each other already?" Sungwoon teased.

"Oh shut up!!" you slapped his arm."Oh dude just a reminder, she kicks people in her sleep" Sungwoon said.


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