Chapter 26

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Kai's POV:

   Kuvira, Me, Bolin and mako were telling mom and dad about Danny, we're sitting at the long breakfast bar, very nice too, anyways, we were talking but then I seen Kuvira distracted a bit then she smiled and then she started giggling "what?" She then looked up at me, she shook her head "nothing"

  "C'mon, it's something, what?" She thought for a moment then stuck her index finger up, ding!

Kuv: u really wanna know?

Me: duh🙄, I wouldn't be asking if I didn't want to know 

Kuv: ok, so after everyone went to bed, well we stayed up, you 3 went to sleep

Me: whatever, what?

Kuv: I couldn't sleep, so I just layed there with my eyes closed trying to sleep, I finally was getting tired so I was half asleep, haha, I guess Korra and Danny thought I was asleep cause haha, I heard talking at first but then they started making out

Me:😮👀 GASP!! Really!? Haha, sucks for you!

Kuv: yea yea, whatever, anyways, it lasted about 35-40 minutes cause I was tired and I didn't want to deal with that kind of shit then

Me: wait, what do you mean you, and WHY DO YOU KEEP ON STOPPING?!

kuv: idk, anyways, haha, I bet if it went any longer they prolly would of fucked each other if I didn't stop it, and I was at the end of the bed!

Me: haha! Damn, just your luck, how'd you stop it?, stop stopping!

Kuv:🙄, heh, I pretended I was asleep and I was sleeping on my left side, I was on the right side of the bed, or was it the bottom, idk, but I rolled over and let my arms go limp, I slapped someone but I don't know who

Me: oop

Kuv: yea, I woke of on the bottom on the bed, but I sleep like crazy so who knows

Kuv: don't think your parents would like to know that

Me: 😬😮😬

Kuv: the best thing about it though is I have proof and leverage, I silently took a vid last night but only facing me, I hide it beside me, I peeked it out a couple times to catch the action

  I look up at Kuvira who had a big grin on her face, she then tilted her head signaling me to come with her, I followed her "what?" She had a small smirk on her face "nothin, just want to check on sleeping beauty and her wife"

 Korra's POV:

  I was still asleep, I could feel Danny behind me snuggling me, I was still pretty tired from last night, but that was our fault, we wanted to stay up and have fun, Kuvira always blows me up on halo tho, it's really annoying when you try to head shot an alien and right when you have it all lined up you get blown up, go figure!, and I'm really good at head shots too (I really am from author) I don't know but I could have sworn that something hit my head last night, I was on top Danny and we were making out and then in the middle of it, something hits my head

   Well, there goes my promise to myself from last night!, ugh, yea, uh we sorta mighta kinda maybe started to... have a little fun last night, Hey!, you can't blame me,

   I then feel Danny behind wake up "good morning" I say to see if she fully awake, she yawned and snuggled up in my neck, "good morning" her voice was raspy, I could feel her hot breathe on my neck, I close my eyes for a bit letting them wake up, adjusting to the morning I look around, and well well well, guess who I see

Kai's POV:

  We both snicker a little bit but only loud enough so that we could hear it, I tape the scene between Korra and Danny, she then spots us and raises her head a bit, we walk over there infront of her 

 "Morning sleeping beauty, have you just woken up from you slumber?" She puffed a blow of air and layed her head backdown "shut up" I stop the recording and go to Instagram to post it, after I post it I pull up this mornings vid and yesterday mornings vid 

 "Say Korra" she then looked at me then at Kuvira who asked the question "aren't you lucky you woke up like this" I showed her this morning's post "instead of like this" I then show her yesterday's 

  "Damn, haha, I don't know if I should laugh or feel bad" we turn our attention to the person who said that "That's was pretty funny, so I guess I should be laughing, good job you guys" Danny then lazily put up a fist, Korra rolled her eyes then got out of bed, smacked both me and Kuvira's heads  then went to the bathroom, Danny stretched and got out of bed "hey Kai?" 

 "Huh?", "can you get in my car, in the backseat I have a duffel bag, can you get it?, I always keep spare clothes and stuff in my car just in case something happens" I nodded and she gave me her keys, I look down at the keys "you drive a BMW?!" She laughed a bit and nodded, me and Kuvira were in shock

  I run downstairs and out the front door, there I see a black and white BMW parked on our curb, I unlock the car go in the backseat and find a duffel bag, I grab it, get out and lock the car, run back upstairs and find Kuvira and Danny talking

 "Thanks Kai" she then messed with my hair, turned around and sat the bag on the bed, I shook my head fixing my hair and I stuck my tongue out at her, she just did the same turning back around, I raced Kuvira down the stairs and back into the kitchen

 "Woah you two!, slow down" we both laughed and caught our breaths, they were just talking and laughing so we joined in, we both looked at each other and giggled remembering about what just happened before they came down, the only wonder was, was that, are they going to come out or are they going to sneak out

  Who knows, maybe, haha, thanks for reading, Aaaaagghh!!!, in a week and 4 days, I start school!, I mean I ready to see my freinds again but I hope this year would be fun, idk if I ready for 8th grade, halp!, love y'all comment and bye:)

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