Chapter 16: Cheer Up

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It's a little too soon, It's a little soon for my feelings

Women shouldn't easily hand over their hearts

I will act like nothing's up so that you won't know I have feelings for you

I'm scared you'll find out how I feel about you

Come closer to me as you are now

It's not gonna take too long

Just get it together

And then baby, cheer up

"This might come off as sudden but... I've liked you for a long time now, do you wanna go out with me?"

Y/N froze, she didn't dare to move an inch. Her face showed evident signs of nervousness, confusion and happiness at the same time.

"I uhm I don't know what to say" was all Y/N managed to say at the sudden confession. "So is that a no? If that's a no then pretend I never said anything please" Sunghoon said, turning his face the other way due to his cheeks turning a crimson red color.

"It wasn't a no... it was an I'm not sure yet" Y/n said, in an attempt to ease the boy. "Ah" Sunghoon said, turning to face her once again. "I'm just not ready for something like this yet, please give me some time"

The boy nodded as he watched the girl next to him slowly continue to eat her ice cream, making him let out a small laugh. Y/N turned to him in confusion as she watched him giggle at her.

"Did I do something?" Y/N asked in confusion. Sunghoon shook his head and continued his fit of giggles. "It's just that you just continued eating your ice cream even if things were awkward" he managed to say between giggles.

"Well of course I will, I won't let it go to waste" Y/N said, laughing along.

"Thanks for not making it too awkward or walking away from me" Sunghoon smiled. There was the smile that Y/N treasured so much.

She had also liked him back but she wasn't ready yet, she wasn't ready to give him the love he deserved, she hadn't even learned to love herself yet.


The pair continued to stroll around the park, taking pictures of flowers they were passing by.

"I'll search up the meaning of them later" Y/N said, taking more pictures. "I will too, make sure to send me the pictures" Sunghoon said, following behind the girl who kept on snapping pictures.

"Wait I have an idea, what if I start a journal just for flowers. I can write the names and meaning" Y/N said, with excitement visible in her eyes.

Her eyes look like they're glowing, Sunghoon thought to himself.

"That sounds like a good idea. Maybe we can do it when we have free time at the library" Sunghoon suggested. "Sounds good!" Y/N smiled.

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