"I'm sorry Mia.."

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Quick a/n, i dont know if im gonna finish this story, it might be left undone and updated here and there.


You and Ethan walked into the house, it looked like it had potential if there wasn't mold and blood everywhere. "This place is humongous.." You said while looking around. "I know rig-" He was cut off by a phone ringing, you knew it was Zoe, But how was she even calling us? Ethan soon picked up.

"Did my daddy give you a hard time?" you heard her muffled voice say. "Thats your father?"Ethan said, "He used to be." Zoe said,you ignored the rest of the conversation and went to finish looking around.

You and Ethan leave the giant room and go upstairs, finding a vhs tape, it was named Mia. Hearing her name made you feel a pit of guilt in your stomach. 

JUL. 19, 2017 09:28 PM Mia Winters
Old House
Stf452 kp-26mx Njtl
Ethan, please watch this.

Mia: Ethan, if you find this... I know I can't expect anything from you. Not after what happened. After what I did. But I just want you to know that wasn't me. I don't know what happened. There's so much that you need to know.

The Mother of the Family: You gave us quite a scare, young lady!

Mia: I can't let her catch me again.

[Mia trying to hide from the Mother in her house.]

Young Girl: (sees Mia) Over here, mommy.

The Mother of the Family: I am sick and tired over being sick and tired of your bullshit, girl.

Mia: I need to hide... I need to hide...

The Mother of the Family: Why are you putting me through this? What have I done to deserve this except open my home and feed you? I don't understand you at all. This is a gift. This house... this house has seen more than you imagine, and it knows. Now's not the time for that. You just don't understand or is it that you just don't care? I know you and Zoe are plotting. I know you are scheming. You think I don't know what you want to do with that boy Ethan?

Mia: No... no no, don't come over here.

The Mother of the Family: I'll feed you to my babies and fertilize the garden with what was left. We open our home! We open our hearts! And what do you do?! She loves you. She wants us to be a family, god damn it. You... you! All you have to do is accept her fucking gift! We love you... Why can't you see that?!      

Don't move! No, no, no, no, no—you don't fuckin' try to escape your share of the blame. There's no way out of there, missy. 

[Finally the Mother catches her.]

The Mother of the Family: Where do you think you're going?

Mia: Ethan! Ethan, please help me! Help, Ethan! No!


"What did they do to you Mia?"

"I'm sorry Mia.."You mumbled and put the tape in your bag.  Me and Ethan explore the halls some more, we visit a bathroom and collect some more items, Just as we were gonna leave Jack opens the door,and he grabs Ethan

"Hell of a thing, ain't it? Sure as shit beats the hell out of dying. My little girl has given us a gift, and this gift is with me always. As you can see, the family is only a part of her gift. Which – in a word – means, you're fucked."

He throws Ethan and i grab him, rushing out of the bathroom, i find us a hiding spot until he leaves. 

"Come out, Come out wherever you are~~" He teases. Me and Ethan hide it out until he leaves.

You two sigh and make it to the basement.

"Ready?.." He asks.

"Not at all"

Stolen Sweetheart.         ~Ethan winters x fem! Reader~Where stories live. Discover now