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"How much for this pretty young boy right here?"

Jungkook never thought that today he will got selled by his own family.

He never thought they could do this to him

It's true that his family hate him because of him being a gay but he never thought it will turn out like this.

He only wants his family to accept him for what he was.

But today he didn't expect a old man come to visit their house and then asked how much he is.

His family is really greedy to sell their son just for being gay.

"Hm are you sure that you want to buy our son?"his father asked again making jungkook gritted his teeth in anger.

"Yeah...he have such a nice body and beautiful face and i want boys like that"the old man said making jungkook gagged a bit controlling his disgust.

He can't believe this,he needs to escaped from this damsel.

He stood up only to be stopped by his so called father.

"Where are you going jungkook?"


The old man nodded as he continue to talk with the one who wants to bought jungkook.

Jungkook is close on tearing up,he only needs to pack his stuff out and leave this household.

He walked straight to his room only to be stopped by his step mother.

"Where are you going?"the old woman asked

"To my room"

"Why?gonna packed all your stuff so you could go with that old guy?"the woman asked like it's nothing, obviously he wanted jungkook to be gone already.

"Yeah that's all you want after all..."jungkook lied gritting his teeth going in his room.

He locked the door and open his school bag to replace his books with his clothes and things that he need.

The boy doesn't have much money on him cause his so called family doesn't give him money so jungkook make sure to save money by having a part time job.

He looked around his room a bit as he open the window and jumped outside.

He's lucky because he still landed alive and he only landed on grass.

He hurriedly run and let his feet takes him somewhere.

But he didn't thought he could got into accident.

Only to be waked up with a unfamiliar room and white walls.

His head hurts so much,he could not remember anything.

But the first thing comes to his mind is where he is.

The room is really big and gorgeous

But he didn't fail to notice the photo on the wall.

There is a photo of a guy who looks ethereal for jungkook.

He almost doesn't look real

Ethereal and handsome it is

He groan a bit when his head hurts again making him close his eyes and slowly open it seeing someone at the door.


He is shocked seeing the man on the photo infront of him.

He looks so good on person making jungkook stared on him too long.

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