Chapter Six - "Stay Away from the Sharps!"

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We arrived at the party shortly after. The strong smell of alcohol engulfed me the second we stepped through the large doors. Red solo cups littered the floor, people danced and others stumbled around aimlessly. "Are you sure you're okay with this?" asked Frankie, leaning down and whispering in my ear.

I nodded and forced a smile. "Stop it." he growled, pulling me close to him. "What?" I asked, slightly confused. "Stop acting like you're happy, I'm not falling for your smile." he muttered, wrapping his arm around me protectively. I frowned and looked down at my feet. "I'm fine, you don't have to worry about me." I sighed. He grunted and I saw a new version of Frankie, this one was serious.

Beth layed her arm on my shoulder, she tried speaking over the music. "What?!" I asked, leaning twords her so I could hear. "I said 'We should go outback to the pool.'" she yelled. I looked at Frankie who removed his arm to let Beth and I go.

Once we were outside, I was kinda surprised at how many people were outback. A large group of people were playing truth or dare while another was playing spin the bottle. A few people were playing chicken in the pool and I'm pretty sure Beth was drunk. She stumbled past me with a half empty beer bottle in her hand, while two empty ones were in her other hand. I groaned in annoyance when I had to steer her away from the pool.

"Are you new?!" slurred some guy. I nodded and grabbed Beth's wrist to keep her from running away from me. "Do you have a boyfriend?!" he chuckled, leaning uncomfortably close to my face. "That isn't any of your business!" I snapped, while sidestepping to avoid his alcohol soaked breath.

His eyes hardened and he grabbed my free wrist, yanking me to the ground. I hit the cement and pain rippled through my skull. "Back off asshole!" screamed Beth, stepping in front of me. He pushed her drunken body into the deep side of the pool and lifted me up. "Don't worry babe, I'll make it quick so it won't hurt as much." he whispered into my ear. I struggled from his grasp when I realized the empty syringe he was holding.

Panic swarmed me as my body went numb, my dizzying state worsened. "There should be an empty bedroom upstairs, but I'll settled for the bathroom." he said quietly.

My mind became hazy at the thought of what he was about to do to me. Dragging my body across the house, whenever someone asked what was wrong, he would say that I was his friend who had too much to drink. It would work easily since this house was littered in empty alcohol containers.

My mind flashed to Beth, I really hope she can swim.

I tried lifting my head but it was pointless, I was paralyzed and drugged. He slung my limp body against the bathroom wall and slammed the door. I tried calling for help but I could barely keep my eyes open. "I'll be longer than I thought." he snickered, his eyes dancing across my body.

I wanted to kick and scream, to cry for help. But I was useless at this point, and I was at the mercy of some stranger who means to rape me. The thought sent chills up my back.

"Do you know my sister?" he asked, kissing down my neck. "Vivian Sharp?"

He was dumber than I thought.

I felt like with each kiss, a mucus was being spread across my body. Soon his lips lingered above mine, I cringed at the thought of my first kiss being with a stranger. "What the hell!" shouted the voice at the door.

A long and lingering pain hit me like a ton of bricks. His hand was around my neck while the other one hammered my head. The world started to fade quickly as I caught a glimpse of Frankie pulling the meathead off of me.

I saw a body fall to the floor and the meathead was no longer hitting me. My body fell soon after but was quickly caught by Frankie. "What happened?" he asked, picking me up bridal style. I couldn't answer so I just closed my eyes and leaned against his shoulder, letting his protective aura surround me.

He took me back downstairs and walked outside, placing me in his car. He ran back inside and came back a few minutes later with a soaked Beth. "Is she drunk?" asked Beth, pointing a finger at me. She wobbled slightly before Frankie put her in the back seat. "I'm not sure." he whispered, frowning at me. His eyes were full of dread, like it was his fault.

"How are we going to explain this to her mom?" chuckled Beth.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2015 ⏰

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