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Zoey, Allison, and Lydia sat in Allison's car while driving to Stiles' childhood friends party.

Lydia lifts up her arm, revealing a bruise and pen marks drawn along the lines, "I don't know. It doesn't look like anything to me."

"It's a pattern. It means something." Allison says, glancing at the mirror, making eye contact with Zoey.

"Do you really think Scott's gonna know what it is?" Lydia asks her best friends.

"No, but he might know someone who does." Allison shakes her head.

"How are you so sure that it means something at all?" Zoey asks while peaking her head inbetween the passenger and drivers seat.

"Because that girl wasn't just looking for Scott, it's like she needed to find him, like she had to, and that means something." Allison said while still driving.

Zoey and Lydia glance at eachother before Lydia sighs, leaning back into the seat and Zoey frowned slightly.

Allison stops in front of the house where the party is at. Allison stands to wait for her two best friends to get out, Scott walking towards her. Scott notices the two sisters get out of the car and stand beside Allison. "This isn't the talk we were gonna have, is it?" He asks Allison, her shaking her head.

"I need to show you something." Allison says while looking down, Scott looking down as well. Allison lifts up her arm, revealing her bruise.

"I don't see anything." Derek says as Stiles, Scott, Derek, Lydia, Allison and Zoey stood in a empty classroom, looking at Allison and Lydia's bruise.

"Look again." Scott demands.

"How is a bruise gonna tell me where Boyd and Erica are?" Derek asks the two girls standing in front of them, Zoey rolling her eyes while sitting beside Stiles.

"It's the same on both sides, exactly the same." Scott says. "It's nothing." Derek stated, clearly frustrated.

"Pareidolia. Seeing patterns that aren't there," Lydia says, Zoey glancing at her then back at Derek. "It's a subset of apophenia." Lydia sighs, looking back at Derek.

"They're trying to help." Scott whispered to Derek.

"These two?" Derek asks, pointing at the two girls standing in front of him. "This one," Derek continued, pointing to Lydia. "Used me to resurrect my psychotic uncle, thank you," He says and Zoey glares at him. "And this one," Derek points at Allison. "Shot about thirty arrows into me and my pack."

Allison's face hardened as her past days were mentioned. Zoey glancing at Allison, sighing quietly, completely annoyed with Derek.

"Woah, woah, okay," Stiles spoke up. "No one died. Look, there may have been a little maiming, some mangling. But no death. That's what I call an important distinction."

Allison stared at Derek harshly with tears welling up in her eyes, "My mother died."

Zoey had totally forgotten about Allison's mother. Allison's mother died because she got bit and Chris, Allison's father, had to kill her. I don't think Chris would want a werewolf wife that changes into a monster every month, and besides, that's what he hunted. Werewolves.

"Your family's little honor code killed your mother," Derek stated. "Not me."

"That girl's looking for Scott. I'm here to help him, not you." Allison says, glaring at him, and him glaring back.

"You wanna help?" Derek asks. "Find something real." Derek then turns on his heels, turning to leave, but Scott stops him. "Give her a chance. Okay? They're on our side now."

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