Chapter 7

591 17 2

Childhood memories
Aᴛ 12:00ᴘᴍ,

🎼*Attention all student, It is currently 12:00ᴘᴍ
The Afternoon School announcement.. Tomorrow you'll will be having a written final Exam, Before summer vacation And for Lunch. You'll having Beef Stake Curry, That all for the school announcement. Please come prepared, And Have a wonderful afternoon*

Servant pov,

Everyone soon Beginning to Pack up, But I'll didn't.. I watched Ruv slept throughout the whole class, While I smiled seeing how cute he was... I then dig in my backpack while taking out my bento box that were fill with Rice-ball an chicken-Strips, I'd made this especially special for him Since He alway skipping on lunch.
I took a deep breath while walking toward his desk,

He then slowly wake up, As I'd felt a stung in between heart.. Telling me to At-Least due it another Day to save this rejection for later.. But I never know Unless I tried, He then started to leave his Seat.
As I'd stood there's beside his desk,

"Uh H-ey Ruv, I'd seen that you'll skipped lunch today'... And So I've made you'll This-"

I Strud-it my shoulder, While blushing, Holding out the lunch for him to take... He then grabbed all his stuff from off the table And Just walked away beside me not responding at all An exiting the classroom, Yet another fail attempt I'd then sighed.

I'd sometime worried for Ruv, He doesn't have Any friends Though-Out the school.. I'd don't Even think he have friend outta of the school, Most people just see him As a delinquent... But that not what I'll seen! Deep down I've known he really soft on the inside.
And maybe to nervous showed
it's As much, I want to know everything about him..

...Until one day...
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So You're telling me... T-that you'll saw Ruv? The Ruv, Walking home.. With some random female yesterday??? "

I said disgustingly shock,
While Hearing Rumor goin around..

"Yeah, I heard that that they've might can be Dating!"


"Aw ain't that's Cute, But I'll think the Other Day After... I've Saw them at the park together While Eating there's lunches on the Swing, And I think She was the one that made them for him...
I Even saw her feeding it to him,
That so sweet,"

They've started giggle, While Each in every word. They've said were stabbing me in the wound through-out mine Heart... That I've nearly felt pathetic at that point, And to top it's off.. This girl actually gotten through to Ruv, She so lucky.... I've thought while feeling gloomy inside.

The day suddenly ends, While I'll walked down the Street Way.. Admiring the Ocean, I've Just wanted to distract myself for a while.. Even If it's were for a little bit, I'll should've known that Ruv would've have a girlfriend.. That probably why the other day he didn't accept mine gift to him, He so loyal...

ʀᴜᴠ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ, Yᴏᴜ'ʀᴇ ᴍɪɴᴇ ᴀʟᴏɴᴇWhere stories live. Discover now